Homegarden agroforestry (HGAF) has the potential to support diverse multipurpose plant
species; however, the diversity of plant species and the factors influencing farmers' their
preferences in smallholder homegardens ...
The right irrigation water management in agriculture is adopted to have a significant impact on
water savings from deficit irrigation. DI is one of the talented irrigation plans to maintain an
acceptable yield in the ...
The Study was conducted to assess cattle husbandry and breeding practices of Nuer
Community for (Abigar) cattle in two districts of Gambella Ethiopia. Multi-stage purposive
sampling techniques were employed to select ...
This study was aimed to carry out comparative evaluation of 3 commercial and 1home
formulated feeds on the feed intake, digestibility, live weight gain and carcass parameters of
yearling Hararghe highland sheep (HHS) ...
Roughage constitutes a major feed source for animals under the crop-livestock mixed farming
system in Ethiopia; however, this feed is poor quality; hence, it is poorly digested. An effective
microbe (EM) is considered ...
The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of honeybee colonies kept in frame hives
under farmers' management conditions and the effect of supplementary feeding on brood
development and honey yield in Haramaya ...
SAMUEL LEMMA DESISA; Dr Abdulaxif Ahmed (PhD); Dr Lemma Degebasa (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
Mung bean (Vigna radiate L.) is a pulse crop with multiple uses and it was introduced recently
in the study area. The agronomic practices like optimum plant population and NPS fertilizer
rate were not practiced for ...
Potato crop is important for its contribution to food security and as income support to a large proportion of the rural households. However, enhancing potato farmers to reach markets and actively engage in potato value ...
Zara Gebi Dadi; (PhD) Alok Kumar; Prof. Wassu Mohammed(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
Aloe pubescens Reynolds is one of the endemic endangered Aloe species in eastern highlands and lowlands of Ethiopia, and its propagation for conservation, medicinal, other industrial purposes is not well known. Thus, this ...
Yusuf Umar Mumed; (PhD Fresenbet Zeleke); (PhD) Beyan Ahmed(Haramaya University, 2024-11)
Urban agriculture is crucial in providing affordable food and improving nutrition security for the growing urban population, particularly for poor residents. Hence, identifying the factors influencing the adoption of urban ...
This study investigated the determinants of investments in SAIPs including institutional arrangements, the drivers of income diversification; evaluate the impacts of SAIPs use on net farm income and examine the cost ...
The Adami Tullu Jiddo Kombolcha (ATJK) district is renowned for its tomato production. Despite its potential, the sector faces challenges including low production, low output prices, high input costs, and underdeveloped ...
Microfinance institutions considered as an important development program in Ethiopia, focused on reducing the poverty level of the community, especially women are in the mainstream of microfinance programs. This research ...
Refissa Leta Feyissa; Prof. Nigussie Dechassa; Dr. Hirpa Legessie; Dr. Steffen Schulz; Dr. Samuel Gameda(Haramaya University, 2024-11)
Bread wheat is one of the major crops cultivated in the western regions of Ethiopia. However soil acidity with a pH < 5.5 is affecting production of bread wheat. Thus, the use of acid tolerant wheat genotypes is cost ...
The present study evaluated the two experiments with phytase supplementation for layers and
broilers; Experiment I used white leghorn layers (paper I and paper II) whereas experiment
II used Cobb 500 broilers (paper ...
Sorghum is one of the dominant crops and is used as a source of food and income in the eastern
parts of Amhara region. Several yield-increasing and drought-resistant improved sorghum
varieties have been developed and ...
Mohamed Yusuf Mohamed; Dr. Jemal Yousuf; Dr. Eric Ndemo Okoyo(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
The study intented to investigate the role of mobile phones on groundnut production and marketing information by smallholder farmers in Gursum Werada Fafan Zone in Somali region, Ethiopia.The specific objectives were ...
This study aimed to assess the efficiency of the artificial insemination service and its major
constraints from December 2022 to January 2024 in the three selected districts of West Wallaga
Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. ...
Debele Bekele Tola; Prof. Wassu Mohammed; Dr. Girma Mengistu(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
West Shewa is one of the major wheat production zones of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. Developing varieties in the area is one of the measures to increase the production and productivity of the crop. This research was ...