Fantu Negash; (PhD) Takele Walkaro; Proff) Mohammed Yousu(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
his study evaluated containers smoking effect on the physicochemical and microbiological
quality of camel and cow milk along the milk supply chains in the selected areas of Eastern
Ethiopia. A total of 90 milk samples ...
Live animals in the Gursum district contribute to the well-being of farmers by providing food, cash and
other advantage. However, the sector faces challenges such as a lack of knowledge about participants in
the animal ...
Bikila Negari Chemeda; Dr. Demissu Hundie; Dr. Negassi Ameha; Dr. Kefelegn Kebede; Dr. Biazen Abrar(Haramaya University, 2024-11)
his study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance, carcass characteristics, eating quality
of meat, and blood biochemical profile of two broiler strains fed on commercial and on-farm-
formulated diets. The study ...
Belay Kassa Bereded; Prof. Wassu Mohammed; (PhD) Karta Kaske(Haramaya University, 2024-11)
Arsi zone is one of the major wheat production areas in Ethiopia, however, the yield of the
crop is not to the level of the area's potential due to the limited supply of quality seed of
improved varieties and seed rate ...
The study was conducted on Indigenous goat populations in Northern Mudug Zone, Somalia,
specifically in the Galdogob, Galkacyo, and Jariban districts to characterize Indigenous goat
populations phenotypically and investigate ...
Agriculture is a vital sector for economic development and livelihoods in developing
countries, particularly in Africa. In Ethiopia, where agriculture plays a crucial role,
adopting climate-smart agricultural practice ...
AMEDIN YUSUF ADEM; Dr.Yesihak Yusuf Mummed (PhD); Dr.Tibebu Manaye (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
The study was conducted to assess practices of cattle fattening and determine the quality of
beef produced from bulls reared by smallholders in Highland and Lowland areas of the Meta
Woreda of East Hararge Zone, Oromia ...
n Ethiopia, agriculture is traditionally viewed as a crucial strategy for reducing poverty and im-
proving food security among rural households. However, despite the significant role of crop and
livestock production, ...
The contamination of dairy cattle feed with Aspergillus fungi and their aflatoxins poses
significant global food safety challenges, impacting the dairy industry and public health.
Despite this, data on Aspergillus species ...
Common bean is one of the economically most important legume crops grown in Ethiopia.
However, the average yield reported at the national level is much lower than the potential
yield. This is partly due to poor soil ...
GIRMA WAKGARI KABATA; Prof. Wassu Mohammed (PhD); Dr. Bulti Tesso (PhD)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2024-09)
Soybean (Glycine max L.) production is increasing as a multipurpose crop used for oil
production, as balanced diet and industry prepared foods and export in Ethiopia, but its
production is not common in East Hararghe. ...
GEBRU GEBRETSADIK AMDEMICHAEL; Dr. Kibebew Kibret (PhD); Prof. Abi Tadesse (PhD)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2024-04)
Sustainable agricultural production to meet the increasing demands forfood, fiber and fuel requires
understanding of soil characteristics, distribution over an area and effects of land use types and
management on soil ...
GARI DUGUMA FUFA; Prof. Fekadu Beyene (PhD); Prof. Mengistu Ketama (PhD)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2023-01)
Social capital is one of the most important assets in livelihoods, and the levels of social
capital have effects on rural household’s livelihood strategies. The purpose of this study was
identifying the determinants ...
This study was aimed to investigate the intensity of adoption of AD tree, level of
commercialization and its impacts on rural household income and food security in Awi Zone
using cross-sectional data obtained from 385 ...
Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) age of harvest is one of the most important factors
affecting its productivity, and studies showed that sugar yield is also determined by the age of
harvesting. Consequently, a study ...
Zelalem Bekeko Erena; Prof. Chemeda Fininsa; Prof. Temama Hussien; Prof.Shimelis Hussie(Haramaya University, 2018-03)
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important component of farming systems and staple food crop in sub-
Saharan Africa. In Ethiopia it is a staple food crop and one of the main sources of calories in the
major maize producing ...
Prof Mitiku Eshetu; Dr. Zelalem Yilma; Dr. Tesfemariam Berhe(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
This study aimed to classify smallholder dairy production systems (DPSs) in southern highlands
of Ethiopia by analyzing land allocation for various crops and characterizing their integration
with livestock/dairy. After ...
The high diversity of plant species in homegardens has significant socioeconomic and agro ecological implications for rural livelihoods. The current study was carried out in Soro
district from September to May 2023.G.C, ...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feed form (mash and pellet) and breed
(Cobb-500 and Hubbard) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and
profitability of broilers. The ...
Gebreegziabher Tesfay; Dr. Degye Goshu(Haramaya University, 2016-04)
Measuring production efficiency in agriculture, mainly, focusing on technical efficiency,
enables to enhance productivity without necessarily increasing the resource base or
developing new technologies thus contributs ...