Browsing College of Computing and Informatics by Subject "Anaphora, Anaphor, Natural Language Processing, Afaan Oromoo, Sklearn, Python, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, 10-fold cross validation"

Browsing College of Computing and Informatics by Subject "Anaphora, Anaphor, Natural Language Processing, Afaan Oromoo, Sklearn, Python, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, 10-fold cross validation"

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  • Elias Debelo; Dr. Wondwossen Mulugeta (Haramaya University, 2019-08)
    Anaphora Resolution is a process of finding an entity introduced earlier in the discourse referred to by current entity back in discourse. The referenced entity is called antecedent, of referring entity which is called ...

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