Miressa Bekana (Dr); Dr. Maleade Birara( maternal fetal medicine subspecialist, Gynecologic Oncologist, Associate Professor); Dr Merga Dheresa (MPH, Associate Professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Gynecologic cancer is a common malignancy among women worldwide. It is
associated with high morbidity and mortality especially in developing countries. Overall,
there is no available information on the level ...
Elias Jemal (OBGYN Specialist, Gynecologic Oncology Fellow); Dr. Malede Birara PhD.; Dr. MergaDheresa (PhD)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Gynecologic cancer are among the common malignancy in women worldwide with
high morbidity, disabilities and deaths in developing countries. Overall, there is no available
information on the burdens, ...
Mohamed Muhumed(MD, General Surgery Resident); Dr. Mulat Asfaw (MD, Assi.Prof., General Surgery).; Mr. Mekonnen Sisay (BPharm, MSc, Assi. Prof.)(Haramaya University Harar, 2022-01)
Background. Gallstone disease (condition known as cholelithiasis) constitutes a significant health
problem in developed countries. It is estimated that at least 20 million persons in the United States have
gall stones ...
Ibsa Usmail (MD); Dr. Semir Sultan (MD, Assistant Prof. of OBGYN); Dr. Kadir Teji (PHD, Associate Prof. of Public health)(Haramaya University Harar, Ethiopia, 2021-11)
Background: Several congenital malformations affect developing fetuses, among which
Neural tube defect (NTD) is most common potentially preventable cause of perinatal
morbidity and mortality. Worldwide, around 10% of ...
Simon Tadesse (MD, General Surgery resident); Badhaasaa Beyene (MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery); Elias Sertse (MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery)(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis is the use of antibiotics before, during, or after a
surgical procedure to prevent surgical site infections which are defined as infections related to an
operative procedure ...
Introduction: Young peoples’ knowledge on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHRs) is essential in exercising these rights. But little is known about level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of sexual and reproductive ...
Khalid Ahmed; Dr. Ibsa Usmail; Dr. Kedir Teji(Haramaya University, 2023-01)
Background: Preconception care is vital for identifying and addressing maternal and fetal risk factors before pregnancy, thereby reducing morbidities, deaths, and non-communicable diseases. Studies advocate for extending ...
Wondale Assefa; Dr. Miressa Bekena; Dawit Tamiru(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Antepartum hemorrhage has been one of the most common complications in obstetrics. Antepartum hemorrhage is a grave obstetric emergency contributing to a
significant amount of maternal and perinatal morbidity ...
Fiseha Abebe; Dr. Tadesse Gure; Abera Kenay (PhD(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Uterine rupture is a serious obstetric emergency whereby the uterine wall is disrupted and loses its integrity. Although its prevalence in Africa ranges from 0.3 to 2.4%, it is one of the major causes of maternal ...
Asamo Ali; Samir Sultan; Mr. Habtamu Bekele(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background:-Ectopic pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy in which the implantation of the embryo occurs outside the uterine cavity, most frequently in one of the two fallopian tubes or, more rarely, in the abdominal cavity. ...
MEZGEBU ABIYE (MD, SURGERY RESIDENT); Askual Assefa (MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery); Burka Mohammedsani (MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Breast cancer is a growing health challenge in developing countries with high
mortality and morbidity associated with prolonged patient delays and advanced-stage
presentations. However, evidence-based ...
Samatar Ismail (MD, GSR); Girum Meseret (MD, Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery); Abraham Alemayehu (MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Burn is one of the critical health problems worldwide. Asian and sub-Saharan
communities in developing nations are more impacted. The risk of death and non-fatal
consequences is contingent upon multiple ...
Getachew Abate (MD, General Surgery Resident); Eyobel Amentie (Consultant and Assistant Professor of General surgery, MD); Abdurahman Aliyi(Consultant and Assistant Professor of General Surgery, MD)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Thyroid disease is a global health problem and the most common type of
endocrine disorders next to diabetic mellitus accounting around 30% to 40% burden of the
endocrine disorder. The pattern and treatment ...
Dr Eden Debele Haile (General Surgery Resident); Fasil Wondimu (MD, Assistant Professor of General surgery); Dr Kidist Getachew (MD, Assistant Professor of General surgery)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Generalized peritonitis is a microbial contamination of the peritoneal cavity that
requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Despite enhanced comprehension of its pathophysiology,
advancements in diagnosis, ...
Amanuel Alemayehu (MD); Dr. Natan Muluberhan (MD, Assistant Professor of ECCM); Dr. Melaku Getachew (MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of EMCC)(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Shock, a state of circulatory insufficiency, disrupts the balance between tissue
oxygen delivery and consumption, causing end-organ dysfunction. Four categories of shock
are classified based on physiological ...
TILIKSEW ABEBE (MD); Melaku Getachew (MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine); Natan Muluberhan (MD, MPH Candidate, Assistant Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis is the most serious diabetic emergency in patients with type
1 and type 2 diabetes and it is the leading cause of mortality. There is limited data regarding
treatment outcomes and its ...
ABDULEAZIZE HUSSSEN (MD); Melaku Getachew (MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine); Natan Muluberhan (MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
Background: Acute coronary syndrome is the leading cause of death and disability-adjusted life
years globally, with low- and middle-income countries bearing a high proportion of the burden.
Despite increasing burden ...
Small bowel obstruction is a common potentially catastrophic surgical emergency in all age
group in the world. Pattern and treatment outcome of Small bowel obstruction in eastern
Ethiopia communities have not yet been ...
Yordanos bizuneh; Dr. Rehama Alishum; Mr Merhawi Geberemedhin(Haramaya university, 2022)
Background:Provision of family planning following childbirth is an important opportunity to
address the unmet family planning needs of women and enhance theirfuture reproductive
health of women. In developing countries ...