A variety of traditional medicinal plants have been widely used by different indigenous
people in Ethiopia for many human and livestock ailments. This ethnobotanical study aimed
to document and analyze the traditional ...
The indigenous knowledge of the utilization of plants as a source of medicine is important to
conserve useful plants and preserve indigenous knowledge for the next generation. Therefore,
an ethnobotanical study of ...
Allelopathy is the interactions between plants that might lead to either stimulation or
inhibition of growth. Lantana camara is a noxious invasive weed. The objective of this work
was to assess allelopathic effect of ...
SINTAYEHU WORKU GIZAW; MeseretChimdessa (PhD); Zekeria Yusuf (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-08)
The changes over time of both composition and quantity of allelochemicals can either
increase or decrease the phytotoxicity of decomposing plant litter. The present study was
undertaken to investigate the allelopathic ...
Ibsa Abdurezak; Dr. Meseret Chimdessa; Dr. Manikandan M(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
The study was conducted in Dabal forest to investigate the floristic composition, population
structure and regeneration status of woody plant species in the forest. 52 nested quadrats of the
size 20m × 20m, 10m x 10m ...
Najib ShekAbdulwadud; Meseret Chimdessa (PhD); Zekariya Yusuf (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
Allelopathic effects of plant litter have been extensively studied, but less attention has been given to the dynamics of phytotoxicity during the decomposition processes. Argemone ochroleuca, an invasive weed, suppresses ...
An ethnobotanical study was conducted in Kafa zone South-west of Ethiopia to assess
ethnomedicinal uses of plants by indigenous Kaf icho people. Data on medicinal plants and
demography were collected from 342 respondents ...
Forests globally are known to be critically important habitats for the biodiversity they
contain and for the ecological functions they serve. The study was conducted to assess the
floristic composition, population ...
Ethiopia has rich flora with different plant species having use in health care system based on local indigenous knowledge. However, documented ethnobotanical information was lacking in Adilo Zuria Woreda. Hence, the aim ...
Alemayehu, Nuriye; Chimdessa, (PhD) Meseret; M., (PhD) Manikandan(Haramaya university, 2021-02)
Lantana camara and Parthenium hysterophorus are invasive weed species that have
allelopathic effects on crops. This research was designed to determine the inhibitory effect of
aqueous and hexane leaf extracts of Lantana ...
Ethiopia has rich flora with different plant species having use in health care system based on local indigenous knowledge. However, documented ethnobotanical information was lacking from Meyu Muluke Woreda. Hence, the ...