In most cases invasive plants have allelopathic effects on crops and other indigenous associated
plants. Allelochemicals from such plants may also have negative impact on soils. This study was
carried out to investigate the allelopathic effect of leaf extracts of Lantana camara and soils
invaded by it on Lepidium sativum. Leaf extracts of Lantana camara were prepared in 5, 10, 15
and 20% concentration levels while distilled water was used as control to evaluate germination
parameters and growth parameters of seedlings of Lepidium sativum under laboratory condition.
Soil seed-bed and extracts were also prepared from soils sampled from different sites of distance
gradient from Lantana camara to evaluate germination parameters and growth parameters of L.
sativum. Similarly, soils sampled from different sites in distance gradient from Lantana camara
were also used to grow Lepidium sativum in greenhouse. Results showed that both hexane and
ethanol leaf extracts negatively affected germination and growth parameters under laboratory
conditions in a concentration dependent manner (p<0.05). Comparison between the two solvents
extracts impact showed that hexane extract was superior to ethanol extract in negatively
affecting performance of the test plant. However, soil toxicity test both under laboratory and
greenhouse conditions did not negatively affect germination parameters and growth performance and seed yield (p>0.05). Overall, results of this study showed that Lepidium
sativum is sensitive to allelochemicals from Lantana camara and should not be cultivated in
areas with huge decomposition of Lantana camara.