A nonlinear time-fractional partial differential equation is used for accurate modeling of
complex real-world phenomena. Solving these fractional problems is one of the most challenging
tasks in various fields of science ...
Ketemaw Demeke Getahun; (PhD) Alemayehu; (PhD) Getachew Teshome(Haramaya University, 2024-01)
Formulating and solving IQPP is a very interesting and challenging problem. The main
difficulty is that if the constraints have interval coefficients, then the feasible region is not
fixed. Instead there are an infinite ...
Anthrax is a disease caused by the bacterial Bacillus anthracis. It occurs in a worldwide
and can infect a wide range of domestic and wild animal species. The deterministic
mathematical model was developed and analyzed ...
The particle swarm optimization algorithm has been successfully shown to perform well on
various optimization problems. Nevertheless, it may be easy to get trapped in a local optimum
(premature convergence) when solving ...
In this project work a comparative study of homotopy perturbation method and Runge-Kutta
based nonlinear shooting method for solving second order to sixth order nonlinear boundary
value problems were conducted. Homotopy ...
In this study, tenth order multi-step predictor-corrector method is formulated for solving the
generalized quadratic Riccati differential equations. In order to formulate this method, first, the
interval is discretized ...
In this thesis a deterministic mathematical model of HBV dynamics with vaccination
is developed. The model is also extended in to fractional order to consider memory ef-
fect. We formulated and analyzed a deterministic ...
In this thesis a heterogeneous two servers Markovian queue with differentiated vacations, waiting server, reneging and retention of reneged customers was analyzed. The server serves the customers on a first-come, first-served ...
The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm has been empirically shown to perform well on many optimization problems. However, it may easily get trapped in a local optimum (premature convergence) when solving complex multimodal ...
This thesis presents the study of a multichoice multiobjective transportation problem (MCMOTP)
when at least one of the objectives has multichoice coefficient and multiple aspiration levels to
achieve, and the parameters ...
Shigellosis is one of the most common diarrhea diseases causing lots of morbidity and mortality
in developing countries. Shigellosis can occur at any age but it has particularly violence for
babies and children. ...
In this thesis two heterogeneous servers Markovian queue with server states dependent
customers’ impatience (balking and reneging), synchronous vacations and N-Policy on
slow server is examined. Whenever a customer arrives ...
In this project work nonlinear min-max optimization problems subject to inequality
constraints were considered. The objective of this project work was to find an approximate
solution of min-max optimization problems ...
The main objective of this project is to study exponentially fitted finite difference method,
develop stable, convergent and demonstrate the efficient numerical method for solving
singularly perturbed differential ...
Logistic equations are mostly used to model real life problems. However it is known that in
general, these equations do not have analytic solution. For that reason, researchers have tried
to solve these problems by ...