It was demonstrated in earlier studies that the use of methanol as a solvent leads to a strong
enhancement of PL intensity of CdS quantum dot for use in optoelectronic devices. Likewise, the
present study makes use of this principlein the investigation of the photoluminescence properties
of CdS nanoparticles synthesized by solgelmethod. CadmiumSulphide (CdS) Nanoparticles were
synthesized directly from cadmium nitrate (Cd(NO3)2and sodium sulphide (Na2S) precursors.
Modified silver doped, nitrogen doped and silver nitrogen codoped cadmium sulphide were
synthesized from CdS by treating it with silver nitrate and urea. The as-synthesizedNanoparticles
were investigated byX-ray diffraction(XRD),Fourier transform infraredspectrometer(FTIR),UV–
Vis spectrophotometers and photoluminescence(PL) spectrophotometer to study Structure and
band gap determinations respectively.The crystallite sizes of cadmium sulfide and doped
CdSnanocrystals were estimated from the peaks of XRD. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicate
hexagonal structure of CdS. The optical properties of the samples were estimated by UV visible
spectroscopy. Optical properties revealed a change in the band gap energy of CdS, N-doped
CdS,Ag-doped CdS and AN co-doped CdSnanocrystals were 2.43, 2.38,2.23 and 2.10eV
respectively due to size effect. The Blue shift observed in the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum
of doped CdS can be attributed due to Size and doping effects.Studies of the photoluminescence
properties of these materials were conducted using fluorescence spectrophotometer with in the
wave length range of 200-800 nm and the spectral bands(peaks) of the respective samples were
analyzed and The results obtained as such showed that both doping and co doping of the CdS
have increased significantly its photoluminscience proporties .