The main purpose of this study was to investigate active learning application in Degollo
general secondary and preparatory school. The sample consisted of 338 students from
2217 students, 4 PE teachers and 3 school directors. Regarding sampling technique, this
study used stratified random sampling technique based on sex and grade level by
applying Slovin’s formula. PE teachers and school directors were selected on the bases
of availability sampling. The research methodology employed in the study was a
descriptive survey. Questionnaires interview and observation were the major data
gathering instruments used in the study and also pilot study was employed. The
researcher was employed SPSS version-20. The results of the study revealed that the
magnitude of active learning application methods during physical education was found to
be low. Almost all of the teachers employ lecture method mostly and frequently which
more tends to teacher-led, the teachers did not take necessary training concerning
teaching method and active learning methods, and even though they believe in contribution of active learning for ef ective education, they lack awareness about those
methods and how to apply in classroom. Beside this, the investigator conclude
instructional materials and facilities were inadequate, passiveness of students, lack of
recently revised or updated physical education students’ text books, shortage of physical
education text book, shortage of class time table and large class size. Based on the
findings, recommendations forwarded that are PE teachers should use instructional
methods and techniques more tends to active learning, the school should set PE classes
suitable to air condition, PE teachers make some materials like baton, javelin etc to
alleviate the existing problems.