The main objective of this study was to investigate a study on the challenges of female
student participation in handball class in Yejube Preparatory School, Baso Liben
Woreda, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State Ethiopia. From the total of 340
grade 12th female students, 184 female students were selected by using simple random
sampling technique and 3 subject teachers and 2 school principals were selected by using
available sampling techniques. The study was carried out with descriptive survey method
and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to analyze the information
that was collected using different instruments from different sources. The major finding
indicated that economy and attitude influence, lack of materials, family and peer
influence, and culture were the major challenges that result in low participation of
female students. Female students have low attitude and interest towards handball
learning and they didn’t study handball like other subjects. Therefore, based on the
findings of the study, it is recommended that to allow female students to participate in
handball learning the school should prepare and have adequate material and facilities
for handball lesson; the school community and parents would support and encourage
female students. PE teachers would create relevant awareness, encourage and motivate
female students.