The study was conducted to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on selected
physiological variables for people with hypertension in Motta town east Gojjam zone
Amhara regional state. A Subject of 15 male Motta town community hypertensive patients
diagnosed with hypertension more than one year were purposively selected from those
hypertensive patients visited the primary care center for their monthly regular follow up.
Patients whose systolic blood pressure reading <160 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure
reading <100 mmHg and heat rate reading < 100 b/minute were included in the study and
their age range were 35-40 years. All Selected subjects were participated in low to moderate
intensity of aerobic exercise for 12 consecutive weeks, i.e.3 days per week 60 minute
duration per day. Pre, during and post training tests were conducted on systolic and
diastolic blood pressure, body mass index and resting heart rate. The data collected from
the study subject was analyzed using SPSS version 20 software. The data pertaining to
selected physiological variables (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index and
resting heart rate) for hypertensive patients were analyzed by paired sample ‘t’test to
determine the difference between initial and final mean for participant. According to
analyzed data significant net weighted reduction in systolic blood pressure by 18.70 mmHg
(P<0001), diastolic blood pressure by 10.00 mmHg (P<0001), body mass index by 2.69
(P<0001) and resting heart rate by14.00 b/minute (P<0001). The result obtained in this
study indicated that there was significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
body mass index and resting heart rate reading in hypertensive patients. Based on this
finding, it can be concluded that Low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise has positive
effect on selected physiological variables for people with hypertension