This study was conducted to find out the challenges of teaching basketball in
preparatory schools of kobo woreda. A descriptive survey method was employed to
carry out this study. The scope of the study was delimited to some selected schools of
Kobo Woreda Preparatory Schools. As a result the researcher using Slovine formula
selected from Kobo General and Preparatory School in Kobo town and Robit General
and Preparatory School in Robit town. 142 students from grade 11 were included by
Slovine formula as a sample of the study. 6 Physical education teachers and 2
principals of the sampled schools were included in the study. Both primary and
secondary data sources were used. The result of the findings of this study showed that
there was lack of basketball equipments, lack of attention of principals toward the
subject, lack of involvement of parent-teacher association, poor activities of physical
education teachers are the main obstacles. Based on the findings and conclusion the
following recommendation was set; physical education teachers, principals, parents,
and NGOs should work together to improve the challenges of school basketball.