The study was conducted to assess the current nutritional intake and knowlg among youth
U-17 seventeen project athletes in the case of Harari city. There are about 23 U-17
project teams found in Harar city. Among these, only 8 project teams (Football 3 team,
Athletics 1 team, Taekwondo 2 team and Volleyball 2 team) selected Purposively and 195
athletes were obtained from the 8 U-17 project teams as the population for this study. Out
of this population, one third or about 65 athletes (23 females and 42 males) athletes were
selected as a sample or subjects using Random-sampling method. For this study, a
descriptive survey method was employed. Relevant data were collected through questionna
ire and interview. Then the collected data were analyzed by using frequency and percenta
ge. The results of the study showed that the nutritional intake of harari u-17 project athletes
was found to below. Not almost all athletes got the recommended amount and kind of foods
in their meal program. In addition to this lack of awareness and family problem were
disappointing meal plan. This Recommends that Harari region sport
commission and concerned body (federation,education office,family) should create aware
ness for the athletes about balanced diet and nutritional intake, which helps to improve at
hlete’s performance.