Aproper physical activity regimen during antenatal care helps the mother have a safe pregnancy
and delivery. For healthy pregnant and postpartum women, the guidelines recommend at least
150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.The objective of the study was to
assess the Knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards pre- birth physical activity, in the
case of selected hospitals in Harar and Dire Dawa cities, Ethiopia. A self-administerd
questionnaire was developed from previous Review of Related Literatures. A sample of 240
pregnant women who met the study criteria were explained about the study. The respondents are
selected by random sampling techniqueas the pregnant women come until the sample size for
each hospital is fulfilled. After obtaining theire informed Concent the Knowledge and Atittude
quetionnnarie were given to pregnant women in English, Amharic and Somali language
depending on their preference. Across sectional study using quantitative methods was conducted
at selected Harar and Dire Dawa cities selected hospitals, From Harar, Hiwot Fana, Jagula and
Police, from Dire Dawa, Dilchora, Yemariyam Worki and Bilal. The agecategories of 18-45
years were recruited. Data was entered and analyzed by SPSS version 20. Frequencies and
percentages were taken out as part of descriptive statics. The majority of the women reported
45.8% (n= 110) second trimester.The respondent's knowledge towards physical activity 82.9 %
(n=199) of our study participants were aware of physical activity.More than 45% (n=109)
participants in this study agreed that Physical activity have appositive role in antenatal care.
The results suggest that the pregnant woman's knowledge and attitude towards pre birth physical
activity is favorable. The majority of the respondents agreed that Physical activity have
appositive role in antenatal care. The study underscores the need for interaction of sport
professionals with other health professionals in order to ensure that the pre birth physical
activity performed by pregnant women has importance for our Mathers and sisters.