Speed and agility are two related, determinant and very important variables of football
Sport. The study was designed to investigate the effect of selected physical exercises on
the improvement of speed and agility performance of bokolmanyo secondary and
preparatory school male football players. The Purposive-random sampling technique
was used in the study subject selection and 60 male football players of bokolmanyo
secondary and preparatory school sport team students with the age ranging 19-
21yearsold were involved in the study. These 60 male students were assigned into two
groups as experimental and control groups, and the selected physical exercise programs
were given to the experimental groups for twelve weeks (3months), three days per week
and 60 minutes (1 hour) exercise session per day but the control groups were kept only
for comparison method. The pre, during and post training tests was conducted on 35m
speed run test and agility T-test fitness variables from both experimental and control
groups and the relevant data was collected. Then, the collected data was analyzed by
paired sample t-test to determine the mean differences value between pre and post
training test results, to make comparison in between experimental and control group
mean value results. According to the finding 35m speed run test (0.80seconds) and agility
T-test (2.01seconds) pre-post mean differences value were recorded in the experimental
groups but nothing was changed in the control groups. These results indicate that, there
were significant improvements in speed and agility performance in experimental groups
while no significant changes were showed in control groups but they were kept only for
the results comparison. It was concluded that selected physical exercises have a
significant, positive effect on the improvement of speed and agility performance of
experimental group male school football players, who was participated in the twelve
weeks (3months) physical exercise programs effectively.