This study was conducted specifically to assess diversity management in Government
secondary schools of North Shoa Zone, Oromia regional state. Specific objectives of the
study were to identify status of diversity, assess community engagement in managing
diversity, identify challenges encountered by school communities in managing diversity
and suggest strategies in managing diversity in school communities. The study employed
descriptive survey design. Qualitative and quantitative data were used from
questionnaire and interview guide then analyzed logically. Samples of respondents of the
study were 8 woreda, 8 secondary schools, 193 teachers, 40 students’ council, 8
supervisors and 8 school principals. Data were collected by open and close ended
questionnaire from students and teacher, interview guide from supervisors and school
principals. Techniques employed in selecting sample were stratified simple random for
teachers and availability for (students’ council, supervisors and School principals). Data
analysis tools employed were mean, standard deviation, percentage frequency and ChiSquare.
Findings of the study revealed that there are compositions of diversity in
language, religions and ethnic. School community engagement in diversity management
were in enhancing inclusion, preparing awareness creation program, communication
ways among school communities, work environment care, class room management and
leadership commitment. Challenges in diversity management were lack of (safe
conditions, attention, manpower, commitment, and resource) and barriers to languages.
Strategies used for managing diversity were communicating school vision and strategic
plan to its community. Schools have to emphasize communication with its stakeholders,
view communities as individuals and encourage work in diverse groups and base any
decisions on objectives criteria. Teachers have to apply culturally responsive pedagogy
and become role model for students. Students have to involve voluntarily in activities that
are designed by teachers and school.