dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to assess the practice and challenges of school leaders in
managing students’ disciplinary problem in secondary schools of south west shoa zone. The
main challenges and practices of school leaders are managing and facilitating their school
interaction with parents, teachers, students and other school community. Students’
misbehaviors retard the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching and also impede the
learning of the students. In the study, descriptive survey research design was used. The
paticipant of this study were 5 secondary schools, 14 school principals, 162 other school
leaders, 15( supervisors, PTA chairpersons and WEO headperson) and total 191 respondents
in south west shoa zone. The researcher collected the data through the use of questionnaires,in
terview and document review. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Moreover, the study was identified the common types of disciplinary problem in south west
shoa zone; writing unnecessary things in different places, late coming, jumping over the fence,
fighting with the school community, refusing to obey orders, cheating on tests, not worry
about their education. Their for, the study focus on who school leader solve those problem in
the school. The study also identified the causative factors related to home, school-teachers,
school environment and administration, and also curriculum related factors. The practice of
school leaders to overcome disciplinary problem includes using collaborative strategies to
resolve disciplinary issues, strengthening school rule and regulation and community
relationship, giving critical decision for the student and awarding them for good behavior;
giving guidance and counseling survice to create a conducive environment for the student.
Additionally challenges commonly faced secondary school leadership were identified a
smaller amount participation of parents in decision making about their students, not as much
as developing school community relationship with the students, lack of skilled man power for
giving guidance and counciling service, less academic background of the student, refusing to
obey order between staff worker and student, not addressing student’s need in academic area.
Finally, it was recommended that the Rules and the consequences of breaking them should be
clearly specified and communicated to staff, students and parents by school leaders.Give
decision for the student itself to solve its disciplinary problem by displaying what the school
rule approximately, and the schools should address students concerns, encourage parents to
play their roles, and embrace guidance and counseling program in dealing with students
indiscipline |
en_US |