Studying climate change and variability at a local scale is curial for devising proper
strategies that enhance adaptive capacity. In view of this, this study was conducted in
Welmera District, to assess; the potential ...
Studying climate change and variability at a local scale is curial for devising proper
strategies that enhance adaptive capacity. In view of this, this study was conducted in
Welmera District, to assess; the impacts ...
Climate variability and change have increased in recent decades thereby threatening the livelihoods of rural households in Eastern Ethiopia. This study was conducted to assess local climate, and determine livelihood ...
Climate variability impacts are the biggest concern of developing countries like Ethiopia, with
economic system dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Assessment of the impact of climate variability
on agriculture might ...
Changes in frequency and severity of extreme climate events is having significant impacts on human natural systems including coffee production, but this impact and adaptation strategies have not been well explored at local ...
Climate variability is among the main challenges of agricultural production in Ethiopia. That was the only finding presented on the “perception of farmers on climate variability and risks” the changes at local level help ...
Climate variability is among the main challenges of agricultural production in Ethiopia. That was the only finding presented on the “perception of farmers on climate variability and risks” the changes at local level help ...
Ethiopia is one of the countries where agricultural production is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. An understanding of the impacts of climate variability on agricultural production at a local level is ...
Climate change and variability are emerging issues across the global, especially in countries
where rain-fed agriculture is a means of livelihood. Hence, the current study aimed to
characterize the climate variability ...
Climate variability and change are adversely affecting agricultural activities in many
developing countries including Ethiopia. The purpose of this study was to analyze climate
variability impact on maize yield and ...
Agricultural sector plays a key role in Ethiopia’s economy, but the sector and smallholders
farmers are susceptible to climate change due to high dependence on erratic rainfall. This
study therefore sought to assess ...
Rainfall and temperature variability is among the principal sources of variations in crop
production in developing countries including Ethiopia. This study assessed the impacts of
climate variability on maize (Zea mays ...
In countries like Ethiopia where vulnerability to climate variability is high and adaptive capacity
is low, studying climate variability impacts and adaptation measures at local scale is critical. In
view of this,this ...
Recently, climate change is becoming a global phenomenon, but its impact is unevenly
distributed among the regions, economic class, age class and gender. Therefore, objective
of this study was to assess level of gender ...
This study was undertaken in Daro Labu District to investigate the impacts of variability in rainfall characteristics and temperature on groundnut yield, and explore farmers’ copping and adaptation strategies. To achieve ...
In pastoral communities of Ethiopia where livelihood is vulnerable to climate change, irregular
rainfall and high temperature affect livestock adversely. Assessing the level of livelihood
vulnerability of pastoralists ...
for farmers to obtain early maturing seed varieties for planting before the onset of rainy season, altering plantation date should be promoted, and more research on early maturing crop varieties This study was undertaken ...
Crop production in Ethiopia is predominantly rainfed which makes it highly sensitive to seasonal and intra-seasonal climate vagaries. Hence, availability of functional seasonal climate and agricultural production forecasting ...
Climate variability increasingly affects the livelihoods of smallholder farmers by reducing agricultural crop production. Moreover, better understanding of climate variability together with the perception of smallholder ...