This study was aimed to investigate the intensity of adoption of AD tree, level of
commercialization and its impacts on rural household income and food security in Awi Zone
using cross-sectional data obtained from 385 ...
In Ethiopia, agriculture is traditionally viewed as a crucial strategy for reducing poverty and im-
proving food security among rural households. However, despite the significant role of crop and
livestock production, ...
Mohammed Hassen; Dr. Bezabih Emana; Dr. Jema Haji(Haramaya University, 2018-06)
he study evaluated the impact of microfinance on rural households’ income and saving in
Chiro district of West Hararghe Zone. Primary data were collected from 206 (103
participant and 103 non-participant) randomly selected ...
Land degradation neutrality in Ethiopia is one of the key urgencies for sustainable development.
The Government of Ethiopia and donor agencies have intervened to scale holistic, integrated, and
new patterns called ...
Suleiman Mohamed Abdi; Dr. Chanyalew Siyoum Aweke(Haramaya University, 2018-06)
Pro poor financial strategy in Ethiopia has been promising in the last decade, where
practical steps have been taken by the government to provide legal frameworks and policies
that promote financial intervention to the ...
Nasir Abda; Eric Ndemo (PhD); Tesfaye Lemma (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2019-06)
The objective of this study was to analyze the factors influencing farmer’s decision in adoption
of improved wheat varieties and estimate the impact of adoption on farm income in Gololcha
district of Bale zone. The ...
Microfinance is the provision of financial services to low-income clients, including consumers and the
self-employed, who traditionally lack access to banking and related services. There have been few
studies on the ...
Because climate change is a global issue that directly impacts their lives, particularly those of smallholder farmers whose livelihoods are reliant on agriculture, researching smallholder farmers' perceptions and adaptations ...
One of Sub-Saharan Africas most urgent development challenges, including Ethiopia, is increasing smallholder farmers’ capacity to participate in markets. Despite being recognized as important contributors to the production ...
The transition of smallholders' farmers from subsistence to market-oriented agriculture is
meant to increase smallholder farmers’ income and overall rural economic progress. The
transition needs the assistance of rural ...
Spices have played an important role in people’s life as coloring agents, flavoring agents,
preservatives, food additives, and medicine since ancient times. The sub-sector is among the
important cash crops which fit ...
Adam Ibrahim; Dr. Eric Ndemo; Dr. Daniel Temesgen(Haramaya University, 2022-08)
his study addresses the gender dimensions in agro-pastoral production system, the case of
Jigjiga Woreda, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia, focusing and identifying on the agro pastoral gender division of labor, access ...
Small-scale irrigation is vital for raising agricultural production and productivity and improving
the food security of smallholder farmers. This study was done in the Sululta district of the Oromia
regional state, ...
Vegetable plays a significant role in enhancing food security and generates income for the poor
farmers of Ethiopia. This study examined the determinants of rural women participation in
vegetable production in Kersa ...
This study set out to analyze the women participation in crop production decision making in Misrak Badewacho Woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. The aim of the
study was based on two objectives. First, to assess the ...
In Ethiopia, agricultural cooperatives are deemed as an important institutional mechanism to overcome
market failure and facilitate smallholder farmers’ market access, and consequently to attain rural poverty
reduction. ...
Cotton is an important cash crop that contributes significantly to the agricultural and
industrial development of the Ethiopian economy, providing livelihood to hundreds and
thousands of people engaged in its farming, ...
Onion is among the edible Alliums and most popular vegetables of major economic and dietary importance in Ethiopia. The government is attempting to increase household income and dietary diversity by promoting the adoption ...
Small-scale irrigation is the existing resource and feasible technology to enhance agricultural production and productivity and curb the deep-rooted food insecurity problem in Ethiopia. However, in most parts of the country, ...
Globally the approaches to forest governance underwent a significant change over the last decades, a shift from top-down or state centered forest governance towards the community based forest governance. Participatory ...