n Ethiopia, agriculture is traditionally viewed as a crucial strategy for reducing poverty and im-
proving food security among rural households. However, despite the significant role of crop and
livestock production, ...
Dr. Eric Ndemo Okoy; Dr. Muluken Gezehagn(Haramaya University, 2024-10)
Development Agents working towards extension organizational goals and having a strong
motivation to complete their duty is very significant for the achievement of an extension
organization. So as to achieve such motivation ...
Terefe Desta Lafebo; (PhD) Wesagn Berhane; (Assistant Prof. ) Hakim Hashim(Haramaya University, 2024-06)
Milk is an important dairy farm that contributes significantly to the agricultural and
economic development of the Ethiopian economy, providing livelihood to people engaged in
its farming and marketing. However, lack of ...
Aschalew Aweke Ayele; Dr. Tewodros Tefera; Dr. Muluken Gezahegn; Dr. Million Sileshi(Haramaya University, 2024-02)
This research was conducted in purposively selected eight drought prone kebeles of Amaro and Burji
woredas of the Southern Ethiopia Region. The study aimed at assessing the determinants and impact of
livelihood ...
This paper examines conflicts among Guji rural communities and their indigenous methods of
conflict resolution in Dugda Dawa district, West Guji zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia.
Methodologically, data were collected ...
This paper examines conflicts among Guji rural communities and their indigenous methods of
conflict resolution in Dugda Dawa district, West Guji zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia.
Methodologically, data were collected ...
For most Ethiopian rural households, food insecurity has been the most critical concern. Small-scale irrigation is among the first measures in increasing vegetable production, diversifying household assets and income, and ...
MOHAMMED AHMED; Dereje Kifle (PhD; Eric Ndemo (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2022)
Intimate partner violence is still the most challenging issue of the current time, affecting women’s lives. To fight this life-threatening problem, understanding the problem, its causing factors, and women's attitude is ...
As elsewhere in the country, in Tigray Region, community-based seed production has a potential for improving farmers' access to quality seed of locally adapted and preferred varieties. Besides, Seed Producing Cooperatives ...
Farmers face a continued challenge in accessing agricultural information and technologies
due to several economic, social, cultural and environmental factors. This study set out to
assess Farmers’ Access to Agricultural ...
Information on significant contributions of agroforestry practices for natural resource
conservation and factors affecting adoption of these practices by farmers in the North Bench
district, Bench Maji Zone, is scant. ...
The study set out to assess determinants of information seeking behavior of vegetable farmers and to identify the source of information for vegetable farmers in Haramaya Woreda, East Harargh zone of Oromia Regional State. ...
Geleto, Getahun; N.Ewang, Prof. Peter; Gezahegn, (PhD) Muluken(Haramaya university, 2016-10)
Climate change causes a serious problem in Ethiopia in general and more so in the study area
where people’s livelihoods depend on subsistence rain-fed farming. Effective adaptation to
current changes in climatic condition ...
Climate change is already having an impact on agriculture as a result of increased prevalence of extreme events, increase of mean temperature, changes in water availability, and perturbations in ecosystems and increased ...
This study set out to assess factors affecting adoption of improved agronomic practices and its effect on income and nutrition of groundnut producing farmers in Babile district. The study focused particularly on identifying ...
Ethiopia is endowed with cattle population which plays vital role in enhancing smallholder income, food security of households and foreign earnings of the country. But, the productivity per animal is low. To solve the ...
Kelil, Adi; Mamo, Dr. Yared; Seyoum, Dr. Chanyalew(Haramaya university, 2017-08)
Dairy production is an integral part of rural livelihoods in Ethiopia in general and in Ada’a
woreda in particular. Farming households in the study area produce milk for both generating
income and own production. But ...
To improve the productivity of poultry thereby increase farmers’ and national income,
adoption of exotic poultry breeds is one of the alternatives that are undertaken in different
parts of the country. However, the ...
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) is one of the most important cereal crops grown in Awbare
district mainly for improving households’ income and food security.The aim of this study was
therefore to assess the adoption status ...
In Ethiopia microfinance institutions are becoming increasingly essential instruments in
reducing poverty. Improving the delivery of financial services to the poor helps the poor to
increase their disposable income, asset ...