Background: Intra-uterine contraceptive device is one of modern family planning methods
inserted by trained health personnel into a uterus which prevents pregnancy for about 12 years.
Insertion of an Intra Uterine contraceptive device immediately following termination of pregnancy
has a proven record of very high effectiveness, protection against unintended pregnancy. Despite
these benefits, evidenceson IUCDuptake following termination of pregnancy were limited in
Objective: uptake of Intra-uterine contraceptive device and associated factors among mothers
during immediate termination of pregnancy in Harar public health facilities, eastern Ethiopia.
Methodology:facility-based cross-sectional study design was used from February 1-28, 2018.A
total of 453mother immediatefollowing termination of pregnancy were included and used face to
face interview by pre-tested structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to describe
the data. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were carried out to assess the
association between independent and the outcome variables. Odds ratio along with 95% confidence
interval was estimated to measure the strength of the association and statistical significance was
declared at P-value ≤0.05.
Result: The overall magnitude of IUCD uptake was 24.5%. Age group of mother25-
35[AOR=2.38, 95%CI (1.07-5.29)] and36-49years [AOR= 9.53, 95%CI (3.51-24.06secondary and
above)], education of mother[AOR=0.26,95%CI(0.09-0.72)], mothers who have 5 and above
children [AOR=3.67,95%CI:(1.58-8.95)],previous birth to current birth interval less than 24
month[AOR=4.6,95%CI:(1.542-13.6)] mothers who had receive IUCD
counseling[AOR=13.20,95%CI(5.546- 31.429)]were significantly associated with uptake of IUCD.
Conclusions: In this study magnitude of uptake of IUCD was24.5%. Age group of mother25-35and
36-49, women education secondary and above, number of children five and above , birth to birth
interval lessthan24 month , mother who had IUCD counseling were significant predictors for uptake
of IUCD. The government should continue to promote education of women and strengthen family
planning counseling on uptake of IUCD