Bikila Negari Chemeda; Dr. Demissu Hundie; Dr. Negassi Ameha; Dr. Kefelegn Kebede; Dr. Biazen Abrar(Haramaya University, 2024-11)
his study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance, carcass characteristics, eating quality
of meat, and blood biochemical profile of two broiler strains fed on commercial and on-farm-
formulated diets. The study ...
AMEDIN YUSUF ADEM; Dr.Yesihak Yusuf Mummed (PhD); Dr.Tibebu Manaye (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
The study was conducted to assess practices of cattle fattening and determine the quality of
beef produced from bulls reared by smallholders in Highland and Lowland areas of the Meta
Woreda of East Hararge Zone, Oromia ...
The contamination of dairy cattle feed with Aspergillus fungi and their aflatoxins poses
significant global food safety challenges, impacting the dairy industry and public health.
Despite this, data on Aspergillus species ...
Prof Mitiku Eshetu; Dr. Zelalem Yilma; Dr. Tesfemariam Berhe(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
This study aimed to classify smallholder dairy production systems (DPSs) in southern highlands
of Ethiopia by analyzing land allocation for various crops and characterizing their integration
with livestock/dairy. After ...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feed form (mash and pellet) and breed
(Cobb-500 and Hubbard) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and
profitability of broilers. The ...
Angassa Tesfaye Tadesse; (Professor, ) Mohammed Yusuf Kurtu; (Asso.) Yusuf Mummed; (Asso. Profe) Abdi Mohammed Hassan(Haramaya University, 2024-09)
The contamination of dairy cattle feed with Aspergillus fungi and their aflatoxins poses significant global food safety challenges, impacting the dairy industry and public health. Despite this, data on Aspergillus species ...
The study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the chicken husbandry practices,
productive performance, and egg quality of Bovans brown and Sasso chickens in Doba
District. A total of 160 households were ...
The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of planting space and harvesting height on
morphological characteristics, biomass yield and nutritive value of desho grass at Asossa
Agriculture Research Center during 2021 ...
Different species and varieties of forage vetch and oat were identified to successfully adapt and preform
in high lands of Bale. However, their oat-vetch mixture was not evaluated. The study was conducted to
evaluate ...
The objective of the study was to assess the cureent status on utilization practices of cereal
straws, followed by development and evaluation of straw-based densified complete feed blocks
(DCFBs) for enhancing the use ...
The study was conducted in Selale-Addis, Ambo-Woliso, and Adama-Asela milk sheds in Ethiopia with the
objective to investigate milk postharvest losses, their causes, mitigation strategies, physicochemical,
compositional, ...
The study was conducted to assess cattle production practices in the Kembata Tembaro Zone
and to evaluate the meat quality of cattle slaughtered in four local municipal abattoirs (Durame,
Damboya, Kedida, and Angecha). ...
Atsbaha Hailemariam Gebreslassie; Dr. Solomon Abegaz; (Profe ) Mengistu Urge; Dr. Wondmeneh Esatu; Dr. Getnet Assefa; Dr. Tadelle Dessie(Haramaya University, 2023-06)
The main objective of this PhD study was to evaluate the performance of Cosmopolitan (C),
Improved Horro (H), and reciprocal between them (HC vs. CH), in reference to Indigenous
(L), and Koekoek (KK) genotypes and with ...
A study conducted at Haramaya University dairy farm aimed to evaluate the levels of macro and micro minerals in the feed, serum, and milk of lactating dairy cows. The 6 feed samples were collected from dairy farms and 22 ...
This study was conducted to asses dairy cattle feed resources and their mineral status in
Kachabirra,Hadero Tunito Zuria, and Doyogena districts, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern
Ethiopia.Multi-stage sampling procedure ...
A study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding Rhodes grass (RG; Chloris
gayana), elephant grass (EG; Pennisetum purpureum), guinea grass (GG; Panicum
maximum) and bermuda grass (BG; Cynodon dactylon) ...
The amount of local and commercial yoghurt provided to the urban market, particularly to the capital, has expanded as a result of the dairy processing industries' recent growth. However, the physicochemical and microbial ...
This study explored agronomic characteristics of desho grass (Pennisetum glaucifolium Hochst. Ex. A. Rich.) and its feeding value for lactating dairy cows in Ethiopia. The study consisted of experiments conducted to generate ...
The objective of this study was to compare the characteristics of exotic chickens' eggs and their crosses. For this, the qualities associated with egg quality were assessed in 240 eggs from each genotype, totaling 2400.Eggs' ...
Calves are the foundation of the future dairy herd which signifies the importance of their proper rearing practices and needs to be performed at the herd and individual animal. This study was therefore conducted to assess ...