Aerobic exercise is one way to improve physical and psychological aspects of health. The role of exercise was to improve players performance and reduce in risk of premature mortality due to coronary heart disease and other illnesses is widely accepted, The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of 12 Weeks Aerobics Training on Selected Health Related Physical Fitness of Football Players: The Case of Dodola Town; West Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The study was randomized experimental design was used for this study. The players were selected using simple random sampling technique. All 30 trainees were participate (CG = 15) and (EG = 15). In this study the dependent variable selected health related physical fitness includes flexibility, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance which were tested using sit and reach test, standing long jump and 2.4Km (6laps) respectively, while independent variable was.12 week aerobics training protocol. Data were entered into SPSS version 25. Mean and standard deviation was used to analyze demographic characteristics of sprinters. Friedman rank test was used to analyze the effect of 12 weeks aerobic training on health related physical fitness of football players. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. The study result shows that statistical significance was observed among experimental group of flexibility, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance across pretest, during and posttest. The study concludes that 12 weeks aerobics training on selected health related physical fitness of football players: The Case of Dodola Town; West Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The study recommends that to coaches so as to incorporate 12 Weeks Aerobics Training in their training program.