The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12-week concurrent training on some
selected skill related physical fitness components (speed, balance and agility) of (AKT) Axum
town U-17 female football players. Twenty-four (24) under seventeen female football players
free from any health problems, with the age group between 15–17 years were selected by
random sampling technique from the total population of 24. Hence, All 24 subjects were able
to complete the study and they were selected by censuses sampling technique which was used
to took the population of study subjects as it is because number of population of the study were
too small . The selected subjects were divided into 2 groups i.e.each group including (12
female football players) control group and (12 female football players) experimental groups
randomly andcomplete the study from the initial to the end. The experimental group of the
subjects undergo(participated)on 12 weeks’ concurrent strength and endurance training, three
days per week and the duration was 60-minutes while, the control group continued with their
usual training. Pre-test, and post tests were conducted on selected variables such as 30-meter
acceleration test, stroke balance test and hexagonal obstacle test each subjects were tested at
the same time of day. The data collected from subjects were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0
and the comparison of mean value results was carried out by paired sample t-test. The level of
significance was p<0.05. The finding of the present study balance test from pre to post test
was showed significant change for experimental group 7.92, agility -3.55 and for speed test
was -1.87 andlittle change for control group (MD ,0.7) for balance test and (MD,-0.06) for
agility test and(MD-0.01) for speed test in control group So this study concluded that 12-
weeksconcurrent training program have a positive effect to improve balance,agility and speed
performance of Axum town U-17 female football players on experimental group than control
group Based on the above test result alterative hypothesis was accepted whereas, null
hypothesis was rejected.