The main purpose of this study was to assess the Cause and Prevalence of Athletes
Injury: The Case of Some Selected Athletics Club of Oromia Regional State in Asella
Town, Ethiopia. For the implementation of the Study, a descriptive survey design has
employed and the samples for the study were selected using simple random sampling
technique and purposive sampling technique. The sample size were 60 trainees, 3
coach, 3 managers and 3 physiotherapist totally 69 respondents has involved out of
129 total study populations of Oromia athletics club in Asella town include as
sources of data. The quantitative data they used to analyze by using computerized
Statistical package software (SPSS). Frequency and percentage statistical
techniques has employed. The qualitative data was first organized into meaningful
information and the data should be described both as expressed by open-ended
questionnaire, interviewees and observation. This result implies that absence of
physiotherapist, training altitude and similarity of training plan, inadequate training
facilities and equipment has identified as cause of injury. Generally the finding
conclude that the trainees understanding about injury is low and miss of
physiotherapy, lack of sport equipment, sport wear, similar training altitude and
similar training program of long distance, gender of coach and absence of food
menus are the basic cause of injury. Major types of injury identified from the
respondents’ response of middle distance were hamstring strain, knee injury, muscles
sprain, ankle sprain and muscle spasm/benumb respectively with the above
cumulative factor indicate that, the prevalence of injury increase in all sport club.