The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that affect the implementation of leadership roles in secondary schools of East Hararghe Zone, Oromia regional state. The study assessed internal factors, external factors and factors related to leaders’ demographic characterstics. Descriptive survey design was employed to 5 secondary schools in the sampled areas which were taken using multi-stage sampling technique. In addition, 88 of male teachers were selected by systematic sampling technique. Whereas, 19 female teachers, 10 vice principals, 5 school principals, 5 supervisors and 5 woreda education office heads were taken using available sampling. Data was collected using questionnaire from school leaders and teachers, interview of WEO and document analysis. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis were employed. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of school leaders (60%) lacked the required qualification of school leadership, absence of on job training and lack of conducting best practices and experience sharing programme prepared by WEO. As a result they were incompetent in playing their leadership role effectively. On the other hand heavy work load and there was interfirance of WEO on the function school leaders affected the quality of instructional leadership because of they were appointed by WEO. Another problem of school leaders in their leadership activity was the selection criteria of school leaders was not fully implemented, lack of instructional materials and operative funds. Furthermore, school leaders failed to accomplish classroom visit. They conducted classroom visit only to evaluate the semester’s performance of teachers. The study indicated that school leaders’ collaboration and openness in communicating in problem solving with teachers and stakeholders was not satisfactory. In line the above finding and conclusion it was recommended that EHZ education office in collaboration with Woreda education office should support school leaders in terms of , provide trainings in the area, implement the selection and appointment criteria of leadership positions, reduce and improve the factors affecting the instructional leadership role of secondary school leaders