A Study on woody plant diversity and structure were conducted on Telet Forest in Sayint
District, South Wollo Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Sixty four main quadrats of
20m × 20m with which five small quadrats of 5mx5m were systematically laid along
transects. In each main quadrat, all tree/shrub and saplings and seedlings of woody
species within the subplots were counted and recorded. Tree height of plants was also
measured using a meter-stick so as to categorize plants into height category
corresponding to seedling, sapling and mature individuals. Moreover diameters at
breast height, frequency, basal area and diversity evenness, etc of were derived from
the vegetation data. Results of the study showed that Telet forest is composed of 48
woody plant species distributed in 47 genera and 29 families. The Shannon Weiner
diversity index and evenness values of the forest were found to be 3.49 and 0.83,
respectively. Fabaceae was the dominant family followed by Euphorbiaceae.
Tree/shrub, sapling and seedling densities were 158.12, 430 and 434.15ha 1
respectively. The most frequent species in the study area were Dodonaea angustifolia
(8.49%),Albizia gummifera (6.37%), Allophylus abyssinicus (5.94),Myrica salicifolia
(5.94%), Carissa spinarum (5.12%), Duranta erecta (4.37%), Rhus Vulgaris (4.37%)
,and Acacica,byssinica (4.09 %). Based on height classification, the entire vegetation of
Telet forest is in a good regeneration status. In conclusion, although Telet forest
appears to be in a good regeneration status, its species richness is low compared to
some other vegetation of similar ecosystem. Therefore, especial attention should be
given for it rehabilitation.