In Ethiopia, most of the communicable diseases arised from unsafe and inadequate water supply, poor hygienie and lack of regular treatment of water. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the microbial and physico-chemical quality of drinking water in Inseno town Southern Ethiopia. The study was conducted from February 2018 to March 2018. A total of 28 water samples were collected from infected reservoir, tap water and well water sources for microbiological and physico-chemical analysis following standard techniques. The results indicated that all water samples in the study area were contaminated with coliform bacteria and Giardia cyst in case of well water while all water samples of reservoir and tap water in the study area were free of contamination with coliform bacteria and Giardia lmbalia cyst. However, about 8.3 % of the tap water samples showed a presumptive bacterial load of 2MPN/100 ml which is higher than the presumptive limit recommended for drinking water. From water samples analyzed for parasitological quality only about 3.57% of water samples taken from total well water were positive for Giardia lamblia cyst whereas negative Entamoiba histolytica and Cryptosporidium parvum in drinking water samples. Majority of the water samples analyzed did not meet the acceptable limit of bacteriological quality of drinking water of WHO guidelines. Physico-chemical parameters of well water show significant difference in Ph, turbidity and fluoride at 0.05 level of significance. In case of tap water Fluorid show significant difference at 5% level of significance. The temperature records from wells to tap water samples showed a higher measurement (22.13 oC-24.8oC) compared to the standard of <15oC. In case of reservoir water, correlation of chlorine and hardness Show highly
positively significant at 0.01 level. And also in case of tap water, correlation of hardness with turbidity Show highly positively significant at 0.01 level. In case of well water sample, correlation of Fluorid with turbidity Show negative significance at 0.05 level. Most of the physico-chemical parameters were within WHO guidelines recommended for drinking water with the exception temperature exceeded the WHO standard of less than 15oC .Generally, the mean values of total hardness for all water samples within the recommended values of WHO. While majority of water samples did not obtain pH with in the recommended limit of WHO (6.5-8.5).