The ostriches (Struthio camelus) are the largest flightless birds (Ratites) in the world and characterized by their heavy weights and large wings. They are also among the common birds that inhabit the park areas as feeding and nesting sites.This study was conducted to assess and document the population status and feeding ecology of Ostrich in Abijata-Shalla Lakes National Park, West Arsi Zone of Oromia Regional State. A cross sectional research design was used to collect information on the population status and feeding ecology of the species in the area. The study covered both the dry and wet seasons. The study was carried out from January to March 2022 (for two months in the dry season) and from June to July 2022 (two months in the wet season). The data for this study were collected via structured questionnaires, direct interviews, and field walking surveys. The questionnaire survey was used to analyses community perceptions, knowledge on the trend of the ostrich population and forest cover in the park The population status data was collected using total count method. The age group of ostriches and sex of individuals was identified and recorded while making the population count in the field in reference to their morphology. The type and parts of plant species consumed and time spent for their foraging was studied through direct observation and were recorded for both seasons. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Chi-square test and one-way analysis variance was used to analyze population size variation between seasons. Diet analysis was compared by using a chi-square test across seasons. Descriptive analysis of feeding time, type of food consumed by ostrich was used to describe the feeding behavior of the species in the study area.. There are two species of Ostriches in Abijata-Shalla Lakes National Park. They are Somalian Ostrich whose neck and legs are black and Common Ostrich whose legs and necks are red. male and female Ostrich hatch the eggs by shifting which is female day time and male keeps egg at night time