A cross-sectional field survey was carried out in three districts of Erer zone, Somali Regional
State from March to August 2024 to determine the prevalence, identify the risk factors and the
cause of camel mange. A total ...
cross-sectional field survey was carried out in three districts of Erer zone, Somali Regional
State from March to August 2024 to determine the prevalence, identify the risk factors and the
cause of camel mange. A total ...
Galma Dabbasa Wario; Dr. Ambachow Motbaynor; Dr. Chala Mohammed(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2023-12)
Brucellosis is a serious economic and public health importance disease which is the major
constraint that causes low productivity and mortality of animals in the country. Previously, the
status of disease in camel was ...
A cross-sectional field survey was carried out in three districts of Erer zone, Somali Regional
State from March to August 2024 to determine the prevalence, identify the risk factors and the
cause of camel mange. A total ...
Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a viral infection that affects cattle, causing significant economic
losses and posing a threat to food security. A study in the selected zones of Oromia Region,
Ethiopia, spanning 15 years ...
Fishes are important for human nutrition and livelihood. However, their production may be
affected by parasites and, the identification those parasites is crucial in desiging an effective
control method. Therefore, a ...
Gastrointestinal nematode parasites infections are major health problems affecting the
productivity, reproductive performance and wellbeing of small ruminants in Ethiopia. Thus,
acquiring knowledge on their occurrence, ...
Gastrointestinal nematode parasites infections are major health problems affecting the
productivity, reproductive performance and wellbeing of small ruminants in Ethiopia. Thus,
acquiring knowledge on their occurrence, ...
Gastrointestinal nematode parasites infections are major health problems affecting the
productivity, reproductive performance and wellbeing of small ruminants in Ethiopia. Thus,
acquiring knowledge on their occurrence, ...
Gastrointestinal nematode parasites infections are major health problems affecting the
productivity, reproductive performance and wellbeing of small ruminants in Ethiopia. Thus,
acquiring knowledge on their occurrence, ...
Plants comprise a large variety of poisons that animals majorly feed on, and the known
poisoning in consuming these plants is separable. The study assessed the presence, seasonal
dynamicity, and effect of toxic plants ...
Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a contagious viral disease of small ruminants that has
been targeted for eradication globally. Thus, this study was meant to explore the field
outbreak of PPR virus and to estimate ...
Small ruminant brucellosis is a significant bacterial disease affecting both animals and
humans with substantial economic loss in countries like Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was
conducted from July 2022 to January ...
Brucellosis is a global zoonotic disease that has a significant economic, social, animal and public health impact in many parts of the world. It is an endemic in livestock disease in Ethiopia. Unfortunately, reliable data ...
The causative agent of Anthrax B. anthracis has long been known to cause disease in
animals and humans. Its distribution across worldwide has gain attention includes in
Ethiopia as endemic country to the disease. The ...
Ethiopia has the biggest number of domestic animals on the continent and the highest livestock population in the world, ranking first in Africa and tenth overall in the world. The evolution of tick resistance to acaricides ...
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) is a severe and highly contagious disease of goats that is caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp) causes heavy morbidity and mortality. The present study was ...
Background; Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the global public health issue. Nearly 37.7 million people were suffered from HIV/AIDS worldwide. Accesses of free antiretroviral therapy services reduce transmission, ...
Background: Communication in healthcare organization is an important factor to have quality care, patient safety and financial function. However, there were of dearth of evidences on the organizational communication skills ...
Adane Alemayehu; Dr. Ambachew Motbaynor; Dr. Shihun Shimelis(Haramaya University, 2023-03)
Ticks are prevalent in Ethiopia, particularly in Halaba zone climatic condition is favorable for tick perpetuation and propagation. A cross-sectional and questioner survey with randomized control trial was used on Ixodid ...