The main objective of the study was to assess teachers’ perception toward ethical
leadership in public secondary school of East hararge zone. The research design
applied in the study was a descriptive survey and explanatory. Data for the study was
collected from a total of 160 respondents. The instruments of data collection were
questionnaire and interviews. All the data gathered through these instruments were
analyzed along with the specific objectives and research questions of the study. The
quantitative data were analyzed and interpreted using mean values, standard deviation, frequencies and ANOVA. The qualitative data were analyzed and interpreted across the
themes. The findings provided key elements of the perception of teacher toward ethical
leadership expected from the schools that showed the future direction. It is widely
acknowledged that ethical leadership is at great importance to school leaders. In vivid
way, the perception and attitude of teachers towards ethical leadership in public
secondary school of east hararge was negative and leaders were not concerned
cooperatively with teachers. The result of the study generally revealed that the critical
need of changing the negative perception and attitudes of teachers, create good
communication and conducive atmosphere between ethical leadership of school and
teacher members, maximize the accountability of leaders, and the strivings of ethical
leadership to formulate equal opportunities. Eventually, the findings and
recommendations of the study is used to create smooth relationship among teachers and
show future direction. The study advances the mutual relationship between ethical
leadership of public secondary school in the east hararge zone and the member of the
teacher in the schools, progresses and action of honesty and willingness to perform the
tasks cooperatively. This research calls for priority to be given to the encouragement
and development of ethical leadership especially for educational instituti