dc.description.abstract |
Themainpurposeofthisstudy.The Relationship between Educational Leadership Styles and
School Climates: The Case of East Hararghe Zone Secondary Schools. With the introductory
part of the study that incorporates the background of the study, the statement of the study, the
research question, the objective of the study, the significance of the study, delimitation of the
study, limitation of the study, and organization of the study. The main importance of review is
related to the analysis of different types of writing literature. According to the scientific
concept of the relationship between school leadership and the School climate, of the case in
the Oromia region, of East Hararghe Zone of secondary school.
Tothiseffect,descriptiveresearchmethod wasemployed by which questionnaires and interviews
were used asinstruments of data gatherings. With the presentation, analysis, and
interpretation of data collected from the respondents, through questionnaires, interviews, and
documents. The chapter is divided into two parts. Part one deals with the characteristics of
the respondents. Part two was concerned with the analysis and interpretation of the results of
the study.The was recommend that the democratic leadership styles was understand all
employees of education managements of and the community on the importance of School
climate and mobilizes their support and conducive to the school climate.
To this end, the open climate that existed in the twelve schools could belinked to the use of
the telling style of leadership. More importantly, the styledoes not seem to be suitable for
create a positive organizational climate. Finally, based onthe findings of the study, the
following are recommended that principals should familiarizethemselves with various
leadership styles and their effectiveness in different situations andother stakeholders should
organize and improve the school climate by mobilizing, howgoodclimatecan becreated,how it
can beimprovedand sustained. |
en_US |