Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important legumes and is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in vitamins and dietary fiber. The regular consumption of common bean can reduce coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancer. Assessing the causes and magnitude of variation is the key to success in crop improvement program. This study was therefore conducted to determine the nature and magnitude of genetic variability and association of yield and yield related characters in Phaseolus vulgaris L. at oromia region Adea District Hidi Hora Kilole secondary school, which is located at about 59 km east of Addis Ababa city and 12 km from bishoftu city. Sixteen accessions were laid out in a Randomized complete block designs (RCBD) with three replications. Each plot was 2m x 1.2m and designed to carry a total of 40 plants in four rows spaced 30 cm row. The study revealed significant difference among genotypes for all the 12 agro-morphological traits studied. PCV and GCV values were observed to be higher for seed biological yield .Among all the studied traits the lowest (PCV) was recorded for days to maturity (1.86) and days. Higher heritability estimate coupled with high genetics advance as percent of mean was observed for seed yield, biological yield and harvest index. Moderate heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of means was recorded for pod per plan. Seed yield showed strongest positive phenotypic with harvest index and number of node, while genotypic correlation with 100-seed yield respectively. Harvest index and biological yield showed high positive direct effect on seed yield in both phenotypic and genotypic path analysis.