The main purpose of this study aimed at investigating the practices and challenges of
instructional leadership in the government secondary schools of Dire Dawa City
Administration. This chapter deals with the overview of the background, the statement of
the problem, research questions ,objective of the study, significance of the study,
delimitation of the study ,limitation, definition of key terms and organization of the study.
The study reviewed the related literature on leadership aspects, dimensions of
instructional leadership, teaching- learning roles of instructional leadership, and
attempts were also made to identify factors that affect the effectiveness of instructional
leadership. This chapter deals with description of the study area, research design,
sources of data, population, sample size and sampling techniques, data collection
instruments, data collection procedures, methods of data analysis, and ethical
considerations were dealt in detail, This chapter deals with the organization, analysis
and interpretation of the data gathered from the respondents through questionnaires, and
interviews related to practices and challenges of instructional leadership in the eleven
government secondary schools of Dire Dawa City Administration. The findings show that
the major challenges affecting the practice of instructional leadership by teachers
include lack of: awareness, skills, training, time, motivation, and support from school
leaders. In line with the above findings and it was recommended that: to equip
instructional leaders with necessary knowledge, attitude and skills, workshops, seminars,
short and long term training in collaboration with different universities, colleges and
NGO’s and schools need to think of their own income generating sources on top of
government budget through improving their relationship with local NGO’s and school
communities by preparing project proposal and submit to international donors.