The purpose of this study was to assess teachers’ participation in school decision-making in secondary schools of Haramaya Woreda, using Mixed Methods research design. a convergent parallel mixed methods. The sample of respondents comprised 4 schools selected through census, 11 school leaders and 2 supervisors selected through census and 4 PTSAs’ chairpersons selected by purposive sampling techniques while 132 teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique. The data were gathered through questionnaire, interview, and document review. Data gathered through questionnaire were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviations with the aid of the SPSS. Data obtained through interview and document review were qualitatively analyzed. The findings of the study showed that teachers are not fully perceived to be participating in decision making, as they desire. Concerning, teachers’ participation in school decision-making areas in planning, budgeting and income generating, student’s affairs and disciplinary problems, curriculum and instruction, schools improvement programs were not fully participate, as they need. Regarding the effort of principals to facilitate favorable environment for the teachers’ participation in decision-making, it was found to be unsatisfactory. Among the factors that affect the participation of teachers in decision making, the autocratic leadership style of principals, lack of resources and lack of motivation in school affect participation in school decision-making, were found to be the major ones. The researcher, therefore, concluded that the decision-making process in the studied schools did not seem participatory and the efforts made by school management to empower teachers were not satisfactory. Based on these conclusions, it is recommended that school administrators need to change their attitudes and consider teachers as key partners in the process of decision-making. They also need to establish a collaborative atmosphere in which teachers can freely share their ideas regarding different aspects of school planning and development.