Milkessa Alemu Seyum; Dr. Solomon Abera(Haramaya University, 2024-12)
Carrot is one of the widely produced and consumed root vegetables in Ethiopia. Carrot
harvesting was practiced by traditional method using metal hoe, which is characterized by high
man-hour requirement, drudgery and ...
JEGNAW TESFAYE GEBEREMICHAEL; Dr. Habtamu Alemayehu (PhD); Dr. Venkatesan G.(Haramaya University, 2024-03)
Nowadays, to improve the machinability of a product, different coolants and lubricants are in
use. However, their costs and their adverse effects on human and environment have become
serious concerns. Therefore, it is ...
To enhance shelf life, prevent spoilage, and preserve nutritional value, processing pulses is very
essential and critical. Milling pulses is the removal of grain coat to produce polished grain and
cleavage of the two ...
The conventional method of dehulling barley grains involves the use of milling machines or
pounding in a mortar with ...
Ethiopia has a diversified agro-ecology, which makes the production of a wide range of cereal
crops possible. The major cereal crops are produced almost in all regions of the country though
there are variations in volume. ...
Anane Gemeda Eme; Abera, Dr. Eng. Solomon(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
Finger millet is the sixth most important cereal crop in Ethiopia in total area and production.
Nonetheless, the unavailability of efficient and adequate number of threshing machine are the
most serious constraints in ...
Bayissa Tarecha Berbo; Prof. Adesoji M. Olaniyan; Dr. Habtamu Alemayehu(Haramaya University, 2024-03)
Crop residues, such as straw, chaff, stalk, stover, bran, etc., are roughages that can be processed
as livestock feeds after crops have been harvested, and grains/seeds detached. The residues are
piled in stacks near ...
Mohammed Usmail Yusuf; Professor Adesoji M. Olaniy; Dr. Solomon Abera PhD.(Haramaya University, 2024-02)
Ethiopian agriculture is dominated by a smallholder farming system, where the farmers rely
on traditional farming method, which is labor-intensive and prone to drudgery. Appropriate
mechanization should replace human ...
Fami Abdi Ahmed; Prof. Adesoji M. Olaniyan (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-02)
A livestock feed chopper was designed, fabricated and evaluated for its performance using maize plant. Study of the engineering properties of maize plant, relevant for the design of the chopper were made. The chopper was ...
Desta Abera Senbeta; Dr. Habtamu Alemayehu(Haramaya University, 2024-02)
Favabean threshing, in Ethiopia at present, is predominantly done by employing animals to trample the
crop on the ground. Traditional methods of threshing favabean require high man-hours, cause fatigue to
workers, have ...
The agriculture sector plays a crucial role in the Ethiopian economy, providing income, employment, and revenue so mechanized farming is essential for increasing efficiency and productivity. Agriculture mechanization is ...
Coffee (Coffee Arabica) is a non-alcoholic stimulating beverage of the Rubiacae family and the
genus Coffea. It is well known that Ethiopia is one of the countries that produces, consume, and
export Coffee and generates ...
Production activities including harvesting and post-harvest handling of the common beans
need great attention to ensure the abundance of the product both in quality and quantity for
enhancing food security and income ...
Production activities including harvesting and post-harvest handling of the common beans
need great attention to ensure the abundance of the product both in quality and quantity for
enhancing food security and income ...
Soil egallit si eno fo eht tsom lacitirc sessecorp ni eht larutlucirga dorp u noitc ,metsys niriuqer g eht tsetaerg ygrene dna emit fo yna itarepo .no The esoprup fo iht s yduts w sa ot d ,ngise oleved p dna etaulave ht e ...
Feed mixing machines are used in feed mills for the mixing of feed ingredients and premixes.
Livestock production is lagging in efficiency thus resulting in low production output Because of
lack of feeding system. ...
Ethiopian agriculture is dominated by a smallholder farming system, where the farmers rely
on traditional farming method, which is labor-intensive and prone to drudgery. Appropriate
mechanization should replace human ...
Sugarcane is an important crop worldwide due to its nutritional and economic uses. The
Ethiopian government developed a path way to prosperity and strategy for ten years to boost
agricultural productions. From the ...
O noin muillA( ,apec L.) si eno fo aipoihtE 's hig ylh detavitluc v batege le .sporc raF m sre ssorca eht yrtnuoc lles t rieh snoino w tuohti rg a gnid ,meht hcihw luser ts ni tsop - evrah ts sol ses gnirud gnikcap a dn ...