Erectile dysfunction is the repeated inability to obtain and maintain a sufficient
erection for satisifactory sexual intercourse. It is a common problem among diabetes, which
often undetected, and negatively impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and sexual well being. As a result, it needs accurate assessment and early intervention. However, there is lim ited study on the prevelance of erectile dysfunction and associated factors among diabetic in
Eastern, Ethiopia, including the study area.
Objective: To assess the magnitude of erectile dysfunction and its associated factors among
diabetic mellitus patients on follow-up visit at Public Hospitals of Harari Region, Eastern
Ethiopia from January 20 to February 20, 2023.
Methods: An institution-based cross sectional study involving 339 randomly selected study par ticipants was conducted. An interviewer administered standardized questionnaries and patient
medical chart reviews were used to collect data on Kobocollect version 2022- 4.4. Stata14 version
was used for data managements and analysis. The variables were described using appropriate
summary measures.Poisson regression model with robust variance estimate was fitted to examine
the association of the independent variable with erectile dysfunction. Plain texts, figure and tables
were used to present the finding. Finally, adjusted prevalence ratio (APR) along with 95% confi dence intervals was reported. Statistical significance was declared at p –value < 0.05.
Result: The prevelance of erectile dysfunction was 78.28% (95% CI: 73-83). Age 35-45 years
[APR=1.38; 95% CI: 1.03-1.84], and > 45 years [APR=1.58; 95% CI: 1.17-2.13], Depression
[APR=1.41; 95% CI: 1.06-1.86], current khat use [APR=1.14; 95% CI: 1.00-1.28], low social
support [APR=1.70; 95% CI: 1.09-2.65] and medium social support [APR=1.79; 95%
CI:1.16-2.78] were factors significantly associated with erectile dysfunction.
Conclusion: The study found high prevelance of erectile dysfunction among the study partici pants. Ages 35 years and above, depression, current khat use, low and medium social support
level were factors significantly associated with erectile dysfunction. Therefore, Assessment
and management of erectile dysfunction should be part of routine medical care in diabetic fol low-up clinics, with special attention for those whose age was 35-45 years and >45 years,
have depression, currently use khat and have medium and low level social support