dc.description.abstract |
The objective of this research primarily focused to capture tacit and explicit knowledge from domain
experts and existed documents in order to support the decision making processe of the domain
experts and to provide a solution for existing problems, such as problem related to a societies social
(i.e. racism, inappropriet marriage and divorce), economical (support the process of financing),
and political (i.e. islamic penal laws for crime and punishment) issues. Based on extracted
knowledges rules were formulated to develop knowledge-based system for islamic legal system inorder to
address the difficulty of getting informations and knowledges for the problem stated above. After
developing the knowledge based system, the system were demonstrated and evaluated to test the
performance and user acceptance of the proposed knowledge-based system. The study followed
Design Science Research Methodology. And also, in order to evaluate the proposed knowledge based system questionary were used. The knowledge’s collected from experts and codified sources
were represented in the form of rules and facts. The inference engine is used for reasoning by
comparing the rules and facts stored in rule base with user specific problem or facts which are
stored in working memory, so the inference engine provides solution for problem related to
marriage, divorce, commercial dealing and islamic banking service, racism, islamic penal laws,
and islamic rules and regulations in order to advice, recommend, direct, and support decision
making of an experts and users. And also the result obtained suggested that the proposed
knowledge-based system can play an important role to the process of building family, maintain
peace and fight crime and racism, and support economy of country. One of the major limitation
was unable to follow a proper approaches such as questionary along with interview before
developing the knowledge-based system in order to identify and understand existing problem and
applicability of knowledge-based system. Furthermore, the proposed rule-based knowledge-based
system is limited on reasoning and unable to learn from its experience so if it intgrete with case based reasoning more complex problems can be handled |
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