The Effect of Using Analogy on the Concept of Chemical Equilibrium on
Students’ Achievement and Attitude
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of analogy-based instruction on the concept of
chemical equilibrium on Grade 11 natural science students’ achievement and attitude compared
to the lecture method. The study consisted of 90 grade 11 natural science students’ (45
experimental and 45 control group students). The researcher used convenience sampling
technique to select the sample students from the targeted school. Chemical equilibrium
achievement test, cognitive retention test, interview, and student generated analogy work sheets
were used for data collection. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques were
used to analyze the collected data. The analysis result of pretest revealed that there is no
significant difference observed between the two groups (at p>0.05) while significant difference
was observed on the posttest between the two groups (at p<0.05). The experimental group
students performed better on the posttest than the control group students. Moreover, the analysis
of the data gathered through retention test and interview revealed that experimental group
students have a positive attitude towards analogical instructional method. These showed that
analogy approach helped students to integrate chemistry concepts with daily life and enhance
their understanding, made concepts highly memorable, and create enjoyable learning
environments.The analysis results showed that analogy instruction enabled students better
understand the chemical equilibrium concepts compared to traditional instruction.