This thesis studies about The Introduction and Expansion of Protestantism in Hadiya, (Ca. 1928-
1991). The year 1928 was a watershed in the birth of Protestant Christianity among the Hadiya
society while the year 1991 ...
he current Kacha Bira woreda has underwent immense historical transformation—political,
social, and economical. However, little is known about these historical accounts of the feudal
Emperor Haile Sellassie I and Derg ...
This thesis presents “A History of Badanno Woreda from 1941 to 1991.” This thesis examined
the administrative, economic and socio- cultural development in the Woreda during the imperial
(1941- 1974) and the Derg (1974- ...
Tariku Bedore Amado; Dr. Temam Haji Adem; Dr. Mohammed Hassen(Haramaya University, 2023-04)
This thesis presents the introduction and expansion of Islam in the Halaba Zone from the 17th
century to 2000. Islam in Ethiopia in general and Halaba, in particular, has not been studied in
detail. The available literature ...
Arif Abdosh Ahmed; Mohammed Hassan (PhD); Tamam Haji Adem (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
This research focuses on exploring the role of indigenous conflict management institutions in East Hararge, with specific emphasis on the Kombolcha District (District) from 1875 to 1991. The primary objective is to investigate ...
Sikuare Ahmed Doto; Mohammed Hassen (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
The major objective of this thesis is to investigate a history of leprosy and leprosy patients of Addis Tesfa Hiwot rehabilitation settlement from 1962-1999. The study focuses on the historical foundation, socio economic ...
This study assessed the history of Kambata and Hadiya relation from 1890s to 1990s.
Ethnicity can lead people to go back to their own culture as a last resort for resisting the
pressure of the modern life and the ...
This thesis focuses on a history of St. Mikael Orthodox Church in Dire Dawa (1917-1991).It is
the first EOTC that was established along the Ethio-Djibouti railway terminal. This study
examines the early foundation and ...
This thesis examines the impacts of Protestant Christianity on the traditional beliefs and cultural
practices of Wälaitta from, 1928-2000. The year 1928 is taken as a turning point in southern
Ethiopia in general and ...
The socio-cultural history of the Hadiyya people has not been deeply discussed by scholars. The study began in 1894 with the incorporation of Hadiyya into Menelik II Empire and ends with the 1991 when the federal structure ...
This thesis focuses on a history of St. Mikael Orthodox Church in Dire Dawa (1917-1991).It is
the first EOTC that was established along the Ethio-Djibouti railway terminal. This study
examines the early foundation and ...
This thesis examines the impacts of Protestant Christianity on the traditional beliefs and cultural
practices of Wälaitta from, 1928-2000. The year 1928 is taken as a turning point in southern
Ethiopia in general and ...
This thesis is the study of the socio-economic, religious, political, and cultural history of Misha district.In Hadiya Zone of the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Regional State from 1941 to 1991.By using archival, ...
This thesis tries to investigate the history of Habro Woreda from 1941 to 1991. The year 1941 is a turning point inthe history of the woreda because of the restoration of the imperial regime whereas 1991 isa land mark due ...
Tesfaye Megersa Tufa; Temam Haji Adem (PhD(Haramaya University, 2022)
The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the economic and social history of Robe town from its foundation in 1922 to 1991
The Thesis tries to reconstruct the history of Arsi Robe town from its foundation in 1922 ...
Although Agriculture is a backbone of the Ethiopian economy; the sector remained poor in production performance. Different Ethiopian governments have tried to improve this key sector for the national development and emphasize ...
This thesis investigates historical events that took place in Derashe from 1890s to 1991. Primary and secondary sources were consulted. Collected sources were critically evaluated and investigated historical facts were ...
The history of Islamic education in Jimma has been neglected for a long period of time. Few studies done by some scholars on the history of Islam in Gibe states including Jimma tried to show Jimma as center of Islamic ...
Mohammed, Yasmin(MSc); Haji Adem, Temam(PhD); Hassen, Mohammed (PhD)(2021-06)
This study deals with the history of Dadar town From,1871 to1991. Dadar town was one of the
oldest towns in Hararghe area that was founded in 1871 and served as a trade center for Obborra
area early before king Menelik ...
The study examined a multitude of social, economic and political problems challenging the
Raya community of displaced Raya people in North Wollo. For this purpose, the study pursued
convergent parallel mixed research ...