Displaced people due to development projects face many socio-cultural and economic
challenges. Assessment on displaced persons due to the Dire Dawa City Administration`s Sabian
Redevelopment Project was conducted to ...
Bizunesh Sintayehu; Dr. Mengistu Dagnew; Dr. Mulu Birehanu(Haramaya University, 2023-09)
his study aimed to assess the influence of childhood gender-based socialization, particularly
within the family, schools, and religious institutions, on developing gender perspectives. The
research was conducted in the ...
Arif Taha; Dr. Biniyam Bogale; Dr. Temam Haji(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
The study has tried to Assess the practice and value of Ashura festival. It also examines the
current practice of this festival in the study area. The descriptive design backed by case
analysis, both qualitative and ...
BEZA SILESHI; Dr. Mikyas Abera (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2024-07)
Although the strain of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak is unprecedented and has affected all
people globally, its impacts exacerbate existing socioeconomic disparities, exposing low-income
families and marginalized groups ...
Displaced people due to development projects face many socio-cultural and economic
challenges. Assessment on displaced persons due to the Dire Dawa City Administration`s Sabian
Redevelopment Project was conducted to ...
Arif Taha; Dr. Biniyam Bogale; Dr. Temam Haji(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
The study has tried to Assess the practice and value of Ashura festival. It also examines the
current practice of this festival in the study area. The descriptive design backed by case
analysis, both qualitative and ...
Nowadays women’s active involvement in sport is seen declining. Among others, (one of the
reasons for this is that it has been considered only men’s activity) It is in light of this fact that
the study was carried out ...
Nowadays women’s active involvement in sport is seen declining. Among others, (one of the
reasons for this is that it has been considered only men’s activity) It is in light of this fact that
the study was carried out ...
The study investigated the roles of religious institutions and the challenges facing them in
maintaining peace and harmony in three districts of East Hararghe Zone. In doing so, the
study employed a qualitative research ...
Social relationships provide individuals companionship and social support during good and
hard times; specially in neighborhoods social interaction among people living near one another
has significant impact on their ...
Ethiopia is home to one of the world's largest orphan populations. A significant concern has been
identified as a lack of competent care for orphans. This study examines and highlights significant
social and economic ...
Currently, in the highly urbanizing reform towns like Durame, both the number of
development projects and the households‟ eviction due to the projects are increasing from
time to time. Thus, this study was conducted ...
This study investigated socio-economic and institutional factors that affect correctional
measures against children who violate the law. To this end the researcher used qualitative
approach of data collection. In-depth ...
Peace is the outcome of a conflict that has been creatively managed and transformed. Conflict management and transformation need meaningful participation of all stakeholders. Integrating gender perspectives into peace and ...
This study was conducted with the objective of investigating the working conditions, challenges and opportunities of women in manufacturing industries focusing on textile and cement factories in Dire Dawa Administration. ...
The aim of this paper is to explore the issues related to the challenges and opportunities in the existing regional cooperation between Ethiopia and Somaliland on peace and development. To achieve the objective of the ...
The Berta people, also known as Benishangul. They are a relatively large minority group
who span the borders of Ethiopia and Sudan. They have their own customary conflict
resolution mechanism developed long time ago. The ...
Children are the feature of country and precious resources of sustainable development of the
human society. Improving socio-economic and cultural wellbeing status of children is the basis
for realization of the ...
Mohammed, Abdella(MSc); Abedella, Muhammed (PhD)(2021-10)
The main purpose of the study was to examine the socioeconomic causes and consequences of
divorce on the lives of divorced women in Jarso District, East Hararghe Zone. The study used
both quantitative and qualitative ...
This study was intended to investigate the socio-political and economic dynamics underpinning the displacement of Oromo people from Ethio-Somali region and the life trajectories of the victims since displacement. The study ...