ABDINEJIB MAHAMUD (BSc); Mr. Sina Temesgen (PhD Fellow, Assistant Professor); Mr. Negga Baraki (MPH, Assistant Professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-06)
Background: Needle stick injuries are common among healthcare workers who come into
contact with patient blood and body fluids, posing a risk of morbidity and mortality. Limited
studies have been conducted on the ...
Introduction: Diarrhea is the second most prevalent cause of death in children under the age of five and
affects around 1.7 billion children worldwide every year, killing an estimated 525 000 people. Similar to
this, ...
Biruk Tesfaye; Dr. Abraham Geremew; Dr. Tesfaye Gobena(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Plastic wastes impose serious environmental pollutions and health problems in
humans and animals. These problems are worsened in low-income countries like Ethiopia.
Evidence on how households plastic wate management, ...
Desi Debelu Balemie; Mr. Sina Temesgen; Mr. Negga Baraki(Haramaya University, 2023-10)
Background: Small-scale enterprises are among the highest ranked industry in terms of risks for occupational injuries. The rate of the injuries is high in middle and low-income countries, including Ethiopia. In Harar town, ...
Yared Gashaw (BSc.); Abraham Geremew (PhD, Assistant Professor); Sina Temesgen (PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor)(Haramaya University, 2023-10)
Background: A high rate of non-functionality status of the water supply schemes developed has
been observed both at the national and regional levels, implying a negative impact on the
country’s water supply and sanitation ...
Muaz Mohammed(BSc); Mr. Sina Temesgen (Assistant Professor, PhD Fellow); Mr. Negga Baraki (MPH, Assistant Professor)(Haramaya University, 2023-10)
Background: Infection in healthcare facilities is a major public health problem in most
developing countries like Ethiopia. Currently, the overall incidence of health care associated
infectionsand the burden of the ...
Ahmed Kelifa; Dr. Abraham Geremew; Dr. Tesfaye Gobena(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Poor hygiene behaviors create a serious public health threat to school children. Infectious diseases, one of the major problems faced by school children, are most commonly associated with poor personal hygiene. ...
Ibrahim Hashim Edao; Dr. Tesfaye Gobana; (Assis Profe) Negga Baraki(Haramaya University, 2023-10)
Pesticides have critical effects on human health. Because of the high amount of
pesticides used, individual exposure is almost inevitable. In developing countries, pesticides
are widely used for a variety of purposes. ...
Background: In Ethiopia, inappropriate handling and disposal of solid waste is common in major cities where waste is dumped along roadsides and in the open spaces. Consequently, solid waste is seriously endangering the ...
Roza Girma; Dr. Abraham Geremew; Mr Nagga Baraki(Haramaya University, 2023-03)
Background: Menstrual hygiene management refers to access to menstrual hygiene products to absorb or collect the flow of blood during menstruation, privacy to change the materials, and access to facilities to dispose of ...
Background: Municipal solid waste collection is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world
since it exposes the workers involved to occupational hazards and predisposes them to certain
occupation related morbidities. ...
Fuad Sham; Dr. Tesfaye Gobena; Dr. Abraham Geremew(Haramaya University, 2022-05)
Poor personal hygiene could be a major problem in developing countries and
numerous high-risk behavior among women and young children. In Ethiopia, significant number
of women have poor hygienic practices due to ...
Fuad Sham; Dr. Tesfaye Gobena; Dr. Abraham Geremew(Haramaya University, 2022-05)
Poor personal hygiene could be a major problem in developing countries and
numerous high-risk behavior among women and young children. In Ethiopia, significant number
of women have poor hygienic practices due to ...
Mechal, Ayalnesh; Worku, Mr. Teshager; Oljira, Dr. Lemessa(Haramaya university, 2021-10)
iabetes mellitus is a complex chronic disease requiring continuous medical care
and multifactorial risk reduction strategies beyond glycemic control. Continuous patient self management, education, and support are essential ...
Hand washing with soap and water significantly reduces diarrheal risk by almost
fifty percent and acute respiratory infection by about one-third. Various studies show poor hand
washing practice is the major health ...
Wagari Amenu, Samuel; Geremew, Dr Abraham; Alemayehu, Dr Tadesse(Haramaya university, 2020-07)
Background: Childhood diarrhea is a serious public health challenge and one of the leading causes of death globally. The association of the disease with water, sanitation and hygiene has been aknolweged in various study ...
Background: Fruit juices are important components of a healthy diet and dietary source of
nutrients, vitamins, and fiber and vital for human health. However, unless it is handled with safety
and good hygienic condition, ...
dugassa, Desta; alemayehu, Tadesse Major Advisor (PhD); egata, Gudina Co Advisor (PhD)(Haramaya university, 2019-09)
Background: Food borne diseases are major health problems both in developed and developing
countries including Ethiopia. Evidence shows that 10 to 20% of food-borne diseases outbreaks
perceptible in developing countries ...
alemeshet asefa, Yohanis; mengistie, Bezatu Major Advisor (PhD); baraki, Negga Co Advisor Mr.(Haramaya university, 2018-04)
Background: Biological deterioration of drinking water is the major cause of waterborne disease
globally, and it causes documented illness and death all over the world. However, there is a paucity
of information on ...
Abate, Dereje; Gobena, Dr. Tesfaye; Mengiste, Dr. Bezatu(Haramaya university, 2016-05)
Access to improved water source for drinking and other domestic uses is a major
developmental challenge in many developing countries. In Ethiopia due to its different geological
formations and climatic conditions water ...