The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) has been implemented in Ethiopia to
mitigate food insecurity and improve nutritional outcomes. However, its impact on household
dietary diversity and women’s body mass index (BMI) ...
The Ethiopian government's health extension program is a creative strategy to guarantee health equity by generating demand for basic healthcare services by delivering relevant health information to households in both rural ...
Background: Congenital anomaly is defined as structural or functional anomalies that occur
during intrauterine life. Although some institution-based studies estimated the prevalence of
congenital anomalies in Ethiopia, ...
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune
system. Globally, more than 79.3 million people have been infected with it and about 36.3
million people have died since the beginning of the epidemic. ...
NIMO AHMED ISMAEL (BSC); MERGA DHERESA (PhD, Ass. Prof); WENDIMIYE ASHENAFI (PhD, Ass. Prof).(Haramaya University, 2024-08)
Background: Anemia during pregnancy is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
of pregnant women in developing countries and has both maternal and fetal
consequences. The regional estimates of anemia among pregnant ...
Background:Eclampsia is defined by a sudden onset of generalized tonic-clonic convulsions in a
patient having signs and symptomsof preeclampsia.
Mothers with eclampsia can face potentially fatal complications such as ...
Nahom Samuel (B.pharm); Dr. Tadesse Bekele (PhD); Dr. Abraham Nigussie (PhD)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-11)
Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high
blood sugar levels. Managing DM has been challenging due to limited treatment options, high
costs, and potential side effects of ...
MUSTEFE HASSEN MAHAMED; Jemal Yusuf (MPH, Assistant professor); Merga Deresa (PhD, Associate professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-09)
Background: Adolescence is a period in which rapid physical, social and psychological
development takes place. It is a period of opportunity, but also full of health risks. However, the
family guidance center in Jigjiga ...
MULUALEM ADDIS (BSC); Mr. Adera Debella (Assistant professor); Mr. Genanaw Atnafe (Assistant professor)(Haramaya University, 2024-10)
Background: Necrotizing Enterocolitis is the most common multifactorial and devastating
gastrointestinal medical/surgical emergency that primarily affects premature neonates. It has a much
higher burden in developing ...
MOTI TULU GEMEDA; Mr. Jemal Yusuf; Dr. Haymanot Mezmur(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2023-02)
Background:Adolescence is a period in which rapid physical, social and psychological
development takes place. It is a critical developmental period as a significant portion of the
disease and injury burden encountered, ...
Background: Low-Birth-Weight is a serious public health concern in low- and middle-income
countries. Globally, more than 20.5 million neonates were born as low-birth-weight and more
than 96% of these Low-Birth-Weight ...
Mahamed Muhumed Ahmed; Mr.Addisu Berhanu(Mph, Assistant professor of Biostatistics); Mr. Belay Negash (Mph, Assistant professor of HSM)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-07)
Background:Out-of-pocket medical payments are expenditures stood directly by a patient where
insurance does not cover the full cost of the health good or service. This expenditure includes
any payment related to medical ...
Background: In Ethiopia, abortion is a leading cause of maternal mortality. Although
there is some investigation on post-abortion family planning acceptance among women
who utilize abortion services, the immediate post ...
Background: First-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) failure reduces the benefits of the ART
program and leads to switching to more expensive and the challenging implementation of
second-line ART. Routine viral load ...
KADRA AHMED OMAR (BSC.; Dr. Anteneh Berhane (PhD., Assistant Professor); Haymanot Mezmur (PhD., Assistant Professor)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2024-09)
Introduction: Lactating mothers food security and optimum dietary practice is indispensable for
maintaining health of mothers and child. During breastfeeding, energy and nutrient need to
increase and meeting them is ...
Juweriyo Jama Gelle (BSc); Jemal Mohammed (MSC, Assistant Professor); Zelalem Teklemariam (MSC, Associate Professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-07)
Background: Anemia is a worldwide public health problem that occurs in all age groups but,
under five years children are mostly affected. However, Anemia among children under five in
Somalia is a critical public health ...
Background: Globally 38 million people were living with human immunodeficiency virus and
among them 1.7 million were newly infected and thousands had died of the disease. Ethiopia is
one of HIV high burden countries with ...
JEMAL YOUSUF MUMME (BSc); Indeshaw Ketema (MSc, Assistant Professor); Dr. Kedir Teji (PhD, Associate Professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-05)
Background: Adherence refers to the extent to which a person’s behavior of taking medication
and making healthy life style changes corresponds with recommendations from the medical or
health care providers’ advice. ...
JabirAliye Abdulahi (MD); Lola Madrid Castillo (PhD, Pediatrician, Epidemiologist); Lemma Demissie (MPH, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics)(Haramaya University Harar, 2024-04)
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is a global health threat, with an increasing burden of
drug-resistant infections, especially insub-Saharan Africa.Third-generation cephalosporin resistantKlebsiella pneumoniae (3GCR-KP) ...
Background: Intestinal parasitosis is a group of diversified illnesses causing significant morbidity and
mortality throughout the world. Under-five Children in under-developed nations, like Ethiopia, face serious
health ...