DR. SEMIR SULTAN (OBGYN SPECIALIST, MATERNAL FETAL MEDICINE FELLOW); YeshiwasSewagegn(Maternal Fetal Medicine Subspecialist); Abera Kenay(PhD):(Haramaya University, 2024-07)
Background: Oligohydramnios is defined in clinical practice as amniotic fluid index of less than
5 cm or single deepest pocket of less than 2cm when measured by ultrasound. As there is no
clear national or institutional ...
Tadesse Gure (MD, OBGYN); Solomon Berhe (MD, OBGYN, MFM); Abera Kenay (PhD, Assistant professor)(Haramaya University Harar, 2023-12)
Background: Pre-eclampsia (a new onset of hypertension and proteinuria, or end organ damage
after 20 weeks of gestation with or without proteinuria) and eclampsia (occurrence of new onset, generalized, tonic-clonic seizures ...
Cesarean section refers to the delivery of a fetus, placenta and membrane through the
abdominal and uterine incision after 28 weeks of gestation. Currently the rate of cesarean section is
increased above WHO recommendation ...
Preterm birth is commonly defined as any birth before 37 weeks completed weeks of gestation.
The complications of preterm birth are the common cause of neonatal deaths and it is responsible for 35% of
neonatal death ...
Mekdes Workie; Dr. Kasiye Shiferaw; Dr. Aboma Motuma(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Background: Parental satisfaction is an important dimension of the quality of a child's care, which
has been shown to improve their health outcomes, including adherence to therapeutic regimens
and understanding medical ...
Mahlet Asrat; Dr. Merga Dheresa; Mr. Adera Debella(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
Maternal morbidity refers to any health condition complicating pregnancy and
childbirth that has a negative impact on the woman's wellbeing. Despite improvements in
maternal mortality and morbidity, approximately 830 ...
Background: One of the potential risks of labor induction is failure of labor induction. In Ethiopia, more than one-third of mothers who undergo induction of labor encounter failures. A studies done in Ethiopia revealed ...
Lanchisl Tsegaye; : Dr. Mekdes Demissie; Mr. Tamirat Getachew(Haramaya University, 2023-12)
During pregnancy combination of hormonal, and mechanical effects due to an
enlarging uterus and the circulatory changes causes significant alteration in sleep quality. Sleep
becomes more restless and fragmentary as ...
Non-reassuring fetal heart rate status is a critical indicator of fetal well-being
during labor and delivery. It used to predict fetal compromise, which exposes the fetus to
acidemia and in severe cases, stillbirth or ...
Background: Premature rupture of membrane is defined as rupture of the membranes any time after 28th week of gestation and before the onset of labor.it linked to significant maternal and perinatal mortalities and morbidity. ...
Background: Preeclampsia, defined as a multisystem progressive disorder characterized by the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria, after 20 weeks of gestation or postpartum), it complicates 8% pregnancies globally. ...
Background: Puerperal sepsis is a major public health concern as it contributes high number of maternal
mortality. It is characterized commonly with fever and other symptoms like pelvic pain, foul smelling
vaginal ...
: Postpartum hemorrhage is a worldwide problem of maternal morbidity and
mortality. Proper and effective use of active management of the third stage of labor prevents
postpartum hemorrhage by 60%-70%. However, information ...
Introduction: Anemia is common medical problem in pregnancy in which the number of red
blood cells or their oxygen carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic needs. Though
anemia in light of its magnitude ...
Background: It is estimated that more than 22 million babies born worldwide annually are of low
birth weight (< 2500 gm) of whom 95.6% are in the low resource countries and this trend has not
changed in the last 10 ...
Background: Husband’s participation in obstetrics care is an important strategy in reducing
preventable maternal morbidity and mortality. However, most of the studies were focused on
women participants.
Objective: To ...
Timely initiation of breastfeeding is a process of feeding the mother’s breast milk
to the newborn baby within one hour of delivery, which was recommended by the World Health
Organization, and it is one of the strategies ...
Dereje Worku Birehanu (BSc); Dr.Tesfaye Assebe (PhD); Dr Tesfaye Gobena (PhD, and associate Professor)(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2021-09)
Background. “Induction of labor is not risk free, despite its importance for ending risky
pregnancy compare to spontaneous onset of labor it has potential harms and it increases the
rate of different maternal and ...
Background:Husband’s participation in obstetrics care is an important strategy in reducing
preventable maternal morbidity and mortality. However, most of the studies were focused on
women participants.
Objective: To ...
Fikre Nigussie Negashu; Mr. Behailu Hawulte (MPH, Assistant professor); Dr. Lemessa Oljira (PhD, Associate professor)(Haramaya University, 2021-10)
A well-functioning health information system supports the delivery of health services by
ensuring the production, analysis, dissemination, and use of reliable information on health
determinants, system ...