Plants serve as valuable sources of therapy in both traditional and modern medicine. This
study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant capacities of fruit extracts of Carissa edulis
(Forssk.) Vahl. and Mimusops kummel Bruce ...
Drought is one of the leading abiotic stresses reducing the production and productivity of
durum wheat in Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular Ethiopia. Thus, genome-wide association
analysis of agronomic traits associated ...
Demelash Seifu; Dr. Temtim Assefa; Mr. Tadesse Kebede(Haramaya University, Haramaya, 2024-09)
The proliferation of hate speech on social media poses significant challenges to social cohesion
and stability, particularly in Ethiopia. This research investigates approaches to detecting and
classifying Amharic hate ...
ABDULAZIZ AHMED MUMMED; Anteneh Belayneh (PhD); Zekeria Yusuf (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-09)
The Salvadora persica (Aadee in Oromo language) is well known for its ethnobotonical
values among the local communities.It is distributed in low and mid-altitudinal ranges of
Garamuleta district, eastern Ethiopia. An ...
KONJIT AKLILU MASRESHA; Dr. Mesert Chimedessa; Dr. Andarge Zelalam(Haramaya University, 2024-04)
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of cow and camel milk based on physicochemical and microbial
properties. A cross-sectional study design was employed to collect milk samples from Erer district from
October to ...
Haji Abdela; Meseret Chimdessa (PhD); Mulugeta Desta (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-07)
Infectious diseases are the critical problems of the world as a result of the emergence of
different antimicrobial resistant microorganisms. Medicinal plants play great roles in the
treatment of various infectious ...
Enzymes are biological catalysts, which initiate and speed up thousands of biochemical
reactions in living cells. Among industrially important enzymes, amylases, protease and
cellulases are getting more attention and ...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a mulit important legumes in Ethiopia; however, despite of all
the multi benefits of chickpea, its productivity has remained low in Ethiopian agriculture than
the attainable yield (5 ...
Biomaterials have been used as biosorbents either in raw or chemically modified forms. The main aim of the present research work was to synthesize activated biocarbon from leaves and seeds of Lantana camara as biosorbent ...
CHALA SORI WAKTOLE; Zekeria Yusuf (PhD); Mulugeta Desta (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
Microbial proteases are hydrolytic enzymes that are widely used in many industrial
processes. This study aimed to evaluate the production of alkaline protease (AP) from
fungal isolates sourced from avocado (Persea ...
Zemenu Pilto Yamo; Zekeria Yusuf (PhD); Mulugeta Desta (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-11)
Biosorption is the most promising technique to decolorize, separate, and pre-concentrate liquid and gaseous mixtures to facilitate the removal of harmful chemicals because of its efficacy, easy operation, non-toxicity, and ...
Laccase (EC, benzenediol oxygen, oxidoreductases) is typically extracellular monomeric glycoproteins that belong to the multicopper oxidase family. Laccase is widely distributed in higher plants, bacteria, fungi, ...
The rising global population pressure generates challenges to fulfill food requirements for the
coming generations in adequate amounts. This suggests that the human population cannot
continue to be entirely dependent ...
Plectranthus amboinicus is knowns us traditional plant medicine in dif erent rural and
urban community. However, production and usage of this traditional medicines require a
scientific techniques and supports for the ...
Plectranthus amboinicus is knowns us traditional plant medicine in dif erent rural and
urban community. However, production and usage of this traditional medicines require a
scientific techniques and supports for the ...
Due to its extensive use in the food and pharmaceutical industries, citric acid is an essential
organic acid that is in high demand around the world. To meet this increasing demand, an effort
has been made to use ...
ZEYINEBA AHIMED YESUF; Dr. Meseret Chimdessa (Ph.D.); Dr. Tadessa Daba (Ph.D.)(Haramaya University, 2023-06)
Phytopathogenic fungi result in a significant loss in agricultural production. The use of bio fungicides to manage these fungal pathogens has become a more appealing option than using
conventional synthetic fungicides ...
Yadata Temesgen Boyossa; Mulugeta Desta (PhD); Zekeria Yusuf (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2023-04)
Bioactive natural compounds isolated from fungal endophytes have been playing a promising role in the search for novel drugs and becoming an inspiring source for researchers due to their enormous structure diversity and ...
Nigatu Wubie Ashagrie; Zekeria Yusuf (PhD); MulugetaDesta (PhD)(Haramaya University, 2022-05)
Chickpea proteins are appreciated due to their high biological values, well balanced amino
acid content and low content of anti-nutritional factors. The present study was undertaken to
investigate enzyme Characterization, ...