Live animals in the Gursum district contribute to the well-being of farmers by providing food, cash and
other advantage. However, the sector faces challenges such as a lack of knowledge about participants in
the animal ...
This study attempted to analyze the red pepper market chain in Boke district, the area is known
for its potential production of red pepper. However, the market chain of red pepper was not
well understood. The objectives ...
Wheat market in Dembecha district experienced in poor market linkage, disproportional
benefit share, and inadequate market supply and market alternatives. This study was aimed
to analyze value chain actors’ interaction ...
Haricot bean contributes to the national economy as a source of food, export commodity, source
of income and employment. However, despite its importance for cash generating, the white haricot
bean value chain inefficiency ...
There is a credit market failure in Ethiopia, as evidenced by constraints on banks giving
agricultural credit, unbalanced economic sector finance, and worse agricultural credit
performance. It is possible to look into ...
The main purpose of this study was to propose and analyze a nonlinear mathematical model
for the transmission dynamics of cervical cancer due to human papillomavirus with
vaccination. The aim of this study is to ...
In this study, market chain of wheat in Misha woreda was analyzed. The area is known for its potential production of wheat. However, the market chain of wheat was not well understood. The objectives of this study were to ...
This study was initiated to analyze the coffee value chain in Kombolcha district, East Hararghe zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia. East Hararghe coffee has the highest distinctive quality that deserves premium prices both at ...
Onion plays a significant role in enhancing food security and generates income for the poor
farmers of Ethiopia. This study attempted to analyze onion market chain in Gemechis District,
Oromia Region of Ethiopia and tries ...
Biru, Belay; Goshu, Dr. Degye; Tegegne, Dr. Bosena(Haramaya university, 2018-11)
Livestock plays important economic contribution both at national and household level in agriculture sector. This study measures the level of technical efficiency of smallholder cow milk producers using stochastic production ...
Sheep production is an integral part of the subsistence crop-livestock systems of Ethiopian highlands and plays crucial role in economic development and poverty reduction. In Ethiopia, there is a general increase in demand ...
Taye, Zegeyesh; Goshu (PhD), Degye; Geta (PhD), Endrias(Haramaya University, 2016-10)
This study set out to assess the determinants of milk market supply and channel choices in the study area of Sodo Zuria district of SNNPR, Ethiopia. The study employed two-stage sampling technique to draw 120 sample ...
Gera district is known for its high production of honey. However, there is a gap in honey marketing in that producers are not benefitted from the existing honey supply to the extent that should be. Thus this research ...
As history tells us, poverty in South Wollo including the study area Kalu district, is deep rooted and worse that the majority of people have suffered from poverty and poverty related problems for a very long period of ...
This study aims at analyzing the value chain of coffee in Seka Chokorsa district of Jimma Zone in Oromia Region with specific objectives of mapping coffee value chain and examining the performance of actors in the chain; ...
Deksiso, Hasen; Ketema, Dr. Mengistu; Goshu, Dr. Degye(Haramaya University, 2016-10)
This study was initiated with the general objective of analyzing the supply and performance of wheat markets in Digelu- Tijo District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study were to identify wheat ...
The study was aimed at analyzing ware potato value chain in Tiyo district. The objectives were identifying ware potato value chain actors, linkages and their roles; estimating marketing margin; identifying determinants of ...
This study was conducted to analyze value chains of potato in Farta district, Amhara Region.
The objective of the study was to analyze the value chains of potatoes in the study area. To
address these objectives, both ...
Medium and large scale flour factories in Ethiopia operate by less than half of their full capacity due to lack of market or non-market coordination along bread wheat value chain. The objective of this study was to analyze ...
This study attempted to identify teff market actors and their roles, analyze structure-conduct
and performance of teff market, identify problems and opportunities in teff production and
marketing, and analyze determinants ...