Malaria is a common and life threatening disease in many tropical and sub-tropical areas. The aim of this study was to know the current status of malaria and the extent of utilization of Insecticide Treated Bed-Nets at Masero town. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted using systematic random sampling method to select 403 study participants for questionnaire and parasitological blood examination. The study was carried out during October to December 2018. Clinical records of malaria were used to analyze the trends of malaria in the last five years (2014-2018). Diagnosis of malaria infection was done using microscopic examination of thick and thin Giemsa stained blood smears for the presence of malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum and P.vivax species). Besides, structured questionnaires were used to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents’ knowledge on awareness of malaria and suitable conditions for the breeding malaria vector mosquitoes, housing situations and about awareness on insectside treated nets utilization. The results indicated that most of the participants had a good knowledge about malaria and its mode of transmission. Moreover, the majority i.e. more than 70% of the respondents had pointed out that they had no adequate sleeping rooms and they lived in poor quality houses without screen covers, corrugated iron roof, well protected pit latrine. The knowledge about utilization of insecticide treated nets was high (89.6%) but, among the users 43.5%, of respondents pointed out that they were unable to get insectside treated nets easily. Microscopic examinations of blood samples showed that among the participants, 31(7.7%) were confirmed positive for malaria parasite. The major Plasmodium species identified in this study were P. falciparum (83.9%) and P. vivax (16.1%). Lastly, important recommendations were drawn based on the research findings.