Background: Optimal birth interval practice recommended by WHO and other international
organizations is waiting 36-60 months between pregnancies. Short birth interval less than 36
months between pregnancies was shown having greatest health, social and economic
problems. It contributes to increase in maternal and infant mortality and morbidity and adverse
pregnancy outcomes. However,status of short birth interval and its asociated factors are not
well addressed in developing countries especially in Ethiopia where there is greater burden of
maternal and infant mortality.
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess status of short birth interval and associated
factors among women of reproductive age group, who have at least two consecutive births in
Woliso Town administration, Oromia Region, 2018.
Method: Community based cross sectional study design was used. A Sample of 585 study
participants were selected from the sampling frame after census had been conducted using
systematic sampling method. Data was collected using structured questionaier. Data was
double entered in EPI Data verssion 3 and was transported to SPSS version 20 for analysis.
Descriptive statistics was performed to see the frequency and percentage of the variables.
Bivariate and multivariable logestic regression model was used to assess the relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.
Result: In this study the optimal birth interval practice was 52% where 34% practiced short
birth interval. Women who are illiterate are 2.9 times more likely to have shorter birth interval
than thosewho have educational background {AOR=2.93, 95% CI:(1.16 13.29)}, Women who
do nothave knowledge on the optimalbirth interval duration are 12 times more likely to have
short birth interval [AOR=12.88, 95%CI: (6.44, 21.91)]. Women who breast fed their
preceding child for less than 24 months are 3 times more likely to have shorter birth interval
than those who breast fed for greater than 24 months [AOR=3.23, 95% CI (1.83, 5.69].
Conclusion: Thirty four percent of women had short birth interval, maternal and husband education,
duration of breast feeding and knowledge on optimal birth interval are main predictors of birth interval.