Prevalence and factors associated with depression among adults in Chiro Town, West Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia

Show simple item record adella, Alemayehu oljira, Lemessa Major Advisor (PhD) demean, Melake Co Advisor Mr. 2018-01-28T18:40:16Z 2018-01-28T18:40:16Z 2017-10
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3256
dc.description 74 en_US
dc.description.abstract Background: Depression is a common mental disorder; globally depression is estimated to affect 350 million people. It is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease and affects people in all communities across the world. In Ethiopia, depression contributes to about 6.5% of the burden of diseases. Even if there are studies of depression in Ethiopia, still the investigation against the problem was limited at community level. As far as the researchers knowledge studies were not conducted in study area addressing such issues. This study was help to know prevalence and factors associated with depression among Adults in Chiro Town Methods: Community based cross sectional study was conducted among sample of 873 adult aged 18 years and above, the sample size was allocated by using probability proportional to population size of households in each kebele, the initial interviewed households selected by using simple random sampling. After selecting the first household, the subsequent household was selected using systematic random sampling technique. Standardized clinical rating scale of Patient Health Questionnaires-9 was used to collect data. For data entry and analysis Epi-data 3.01 and SPSS 23 version computer software was used. The goodness of model fitness was checked using hosmer and lemeshow test. Multicollinearity was checked using standard errors. Results: Prevalence of depression among adults was 23.5% [95% CI (20.6, 26.4)]. The result of multivariate indicated stressful life events [AOR=3.6; 95% CI (2.49, 5.28)], substance users [AOR=2.79; 95% CI (1.81, 4.32)], family history of diagnosed mental illness [AOR=2.25; 95% CI (1.13, 4.49)], age 35-44 years [AOR=2.21; 95% CI (1.160, 4.22], and history of diagnosed chronic non communicable diseases [AOR=1.92; 95% CI (1.20, 3.06)], were associated factors for developing depression Conclusion: The study revealed a relatively high prevalence of depression episodes. Findings from this study are being used as baseline data to develop an effective program to assist in the screening, diagnosis and management of common mental health disorders in the community, in particular depression. The identification of predictors of depression in the community is important to identify the target population for the program and needs prevention and intervention efforts should consider for these factors as potential areas of focus en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Haramaya university en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Haramaya university en_US
dc.subject Depression, Factors, Community based cross sectional, Chiro town, Ethiopia. en_US
dc.title Prevalence and factors associated with depression among adults in Chiro Town, West Harerghe Zone, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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