Introduction: Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa with population size over 90
million and a growth rate of about 2.6 percent in 2015 the population is projected to reach 112
million by 2020. About 22% of young married women and 26% of sexually active unmarried
women in Ethiopia reported having an unmet need for family planning. Somali region has one of
the highest unmet need for family planning according to EDHS-2016 but the level and factors that
determine unmet need for FP are not well understood in subgroup of population like in towns.
Objective: To assess the magnitude and factors associated with unmet need for family planning
among married women of urban and rural communities in Jijiga city administration of Somali
Region; Ethiopia from July-October 30, 2017.
Methods: Community based cross-sectional study using quantitative methods was conducted
among married women of Jijiga town, sampling frame was used listing all households in the
selected kebeles which married women resides. Data was collected using structured questionnaire
adopted from other literatures. Collected data was edited, coded and entered into Epidata version
3.1 and transported to SPSS version 23 for analysis. Bivariate & multivariate logistic regression
was carried out to see any associations, and P-Value of 0.05 was considered significant.
Result: This study revealed that 22.6 % of married women had unmet need for family planning of
which 68(21.5%) was for spacing and 4(1.1%) for limiting. In this study, unavailability of health
facility that provide FP were 2.3 (AOR=2.31, 95%CI: 1.087, 4.912 1.042, 4.3) times more likely to
have unmet need for FP than those who had. Women who desire to have more than or equal to ten
children were 3.7 (AOR=3.7, 95%CI:1.427, 9.822) times more likely to have unmet need for FP
than those who desire to have less than ten children and FP practice ( non-user and ever-users) were
8 [(AOR=8.8, 95%CI: 1.327, 58.61) and (AOR=8.5, 95%CI: 1.552, 46.04)] times more likely to
have unmet need for Family planning than those of current users.
Conclusion: The overall prevalence of unmet need for FP among married woman in Jijiga city
administration was high compared to EDHS-2016 of Somali region. and availability of health
facility providing FP, Desire to have more children, and family planning practice (Ever-users and
Non-users) were associated with unmet need for Family planning.