One of the manifestations of climate change is the variability in seasonal patterns of rainfall variables and occurrence of extreme events. The major objective of the study was to assess Rainfall variability and trends in eastern Ethiopia and to suggest implication for local level adaptation strategies for the climate change and variability over the study area. This study is based on thirty years of rainfall data taken from Haramaya, Deder, Bedesa, Jigjiga and Kebridehar metrological stations in Eastern Ethiopia. The study used coefficient variation, Standard precipitation Index, Linear Regression and Marcove chain model to analyze trend and variability in seasonal and annual rainfall amount and dry spell frequency. The results show that there is high variability during Kiremt, Belg and Annual season in most stations Bedesa and Jigjiga. While there is increasing trend in rainfall for all season in West Hararghe, there is decreasing trend in rainfall for Belg in East Hararghe and Somali region. Kiremt dry spell frequency for 15 and 20 day is < 20% at East and West Hararghe and Jigjiga and during Belg season it is < 20% at Kebridehat and > 40% at the rest stations. Crop diversification and use improved seed variety, mixing crop production with pastoralism and diversify pastoral products, Off-farm activities and income diversification, Natural resource conservation, Changing growth season and growing early maturing crops and Conducting study on length of growing period and weather information